The seven ways of improving your physical appearance

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
I won't get deeply involved in the debate between looks and skill... but I've noticed that hot and short-term girls go for the looks, cute and long-term girls go for personality. In either case, improving your looks can't be a bad thing so I've come up with seven tips that help greatly. Some are long term, some are easy. I do not deal with scent or any other divergent topic that may also have an influence. You should already know not to wear full diapers when you hit the town!


Get into shape

Drink 8 glasses worth of pure water every day. Don't drink tap water unless you want to start growing breasts (the stuff has female hormones in it. The waters' been through 8 people's set of kidneys already). To be honest, you won't develop breasts, but drinking tap water may cause you to have the "feminine" version of confidence. Women have periods a lot and they flush down the excesses of the pill and other similar contraceptives.

If you're skinny, eat twice or three times as much. If you're fat, eat less. EAT LOTS OF PASTA. Start to enjoy the stuff. Eat lots of meat.

If you do that alone you'll be pretty stupid. Do bench presses, situps, and other exercises. Invest in a set of weights.

Exercise control over your defects

Particularily if you're balding, having a receding forehead. Can I share something with you if that is the case? COMBOVERS ARE PATHETIC. Even the most elaborate method of a combover fails. You may convince YOURSELF that its effective and "you can't really notice the baldness", but trust me, I can sniff it out in a microsecond and just imagine how sooner girls notice!

By SHAVING ALL YOUR HAIR OFF, you "embrace" your defect and show everyone, me, yourself, HOT WOMEN, that you really don't care. In fact, you don't care so much, you're going to show how EASY it is to live without hair. Guys who comb over express that they want hair so much they're willing to lie to others and themselves about the quantity of it.

Other examples include just NOT giving a damn about a funny nose / small facial scar / ACNE etc.

More to come...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
Your post's idea is good and we should post more tips on how to look better but I have to disagree with your eating tips.

I'm a intern in becoming a registered dietician soon ;)

Eating lots of Sphaghetti is a big No-No!! A lot of women eats sphaghetti and salad because they think meat is the biggest culprit for getting fat. Thats a huge mistake!! In fact, the pasta is the source of fat! Pasta has globs of carbs and taking excessive carbs or only carbs for food is the best way to get fat.

Its ok to eat carbs because I'm not into Atkin's diet but you don't want to overeat them. Eat more lean meats like fish, chicken, lamb, and cut back on beef and pork. Pork is good if you get rid of the fats as much as possible because it has a lot of Vitamin Bs.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by stallion
Your post's idea is good and we should post more tips on how to look better but I have to disagree with your eating tips.

I'm a intern in becoming a registered dietician soon ;)

Eating lots of Sphaghetti is a big No-No!! A lot of women eats sphaghetti and salad because they think meat is the biggest culprit for getting fat. Thats a huge mistake!! In fact, the pasta is the source of fat! Pasta has globs of carbs and taking excessive carbs or only carbs for food is the best way to get fat.

Its ok to eat carbs because I'm not into Atkin's diet but you don't want to overeat them. Eat more lean meats like fish, chicken, lamb, and cut back on beef and pork. Pork is good if you get rid of the fats as much as possible because it has a lot of Vitamin Bs.
Thanks Stallion.... I've recently shook off the winter blahs, doing mega situps and pushups everyday, awaiting the day I can hit the water parks, and beaches of Florida, and O.C. Maryland.

Here's some tips that I've found very usefull..... don't eat after 7pm. Stick to soups for dinner, and if you don't drink a drop of beer for a month, you'll lose 5 pounds. Now I've never done the no beer for month thing, but I can see how that would work.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
great post nicholas

i m not sure about how many glasses a day ... but i can tell u how much body builders suggest... they suggest about 5 ltrs per day...

beer/cold drinks/sugar r no no

3 times a week cardio...

anyways thread says about seven ways....
i can only see 2 here... c`mon dude write down rest of them...


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by stallion
Your post's idea is good and we should post more tips on how to look better but I have to disagree with your eating tips.

I'm a intern in becoming a registered dietician soon ;)

Eating lots of Sphaghetti is a big No-No!! A lot of women eats sphaghetti and salad because they think meat is the biggest culprit for getting fat. Thats a huge mistake!! In fact, the pasta is the source of fat! Pasta has globs of carbs and taking excessive carbs or only carbs for food is the best way to get fat.

Its ok to eat carbs because I'm not into Atkin's diet but you don't want to overeat them. Eat more lean meats like fish, chicken, lamb, and cut back on beef and pork. Pork is good if you get rid of the fats as much as possible because it has a lot of Vitamin Bs.
You are on the right track, however, PASTA is not bad even when eaten in large quantities, however, the kind of pasta is the big difference. If you eat white flour pasta, the regular kind that just cooks pretty fast then that is surely a fat contributor but if you opt for WHOLE WHEAT, WHOLE GRAIN PASTA, the kind that is BROWN and DARK, and cooks only after a LONG TIME, then it won't make you fat. THE SAME GOES WITH SUGARS, SIMPLE SUGARS will make you fat, the kind that are in honey, candy etc, but COMPLEX SUGARS, the kind that are in fruits will not. So when you get down to basics, quality matters.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the contribution mage,

I simply made that comment about spaghetties because I take it that people generally use the white flour variety on their spaghetties. Buying whole wheats with more fiber seems to be more of a common sense in buying breads but I doubt about spaghetties.. The best way to have the goods of both is to still eat the white ones but cut the portion and replace them with other things like nuts, vegetables, fruits, lean meat varieties.

Have you seen the new food pyramid?? Fruits and veges used to be in the same category but they've cut down on fruits. Some fruits do have simple sugars like fructose, sucrose, and they will contribute a lot to fat indirectly. (Raise your insulin, etc.) Thats only if you eat gobs of pears, honeydue, coconut that are high in those sugars.

But the benefits outweigh the costs of fruits so its still good to go for fruits (vitamins, minerals,etc) over candies, sodas any day.

Also, exercise is so important too!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score

about the beer, its true you will gain weight if you drink too much and if your liver is bloated. Its high in calories so if you must drink, go for the wines and especially red wines but I doubt we drink for health reasons. :)

With workouts, do more caridio related exercise like running, swimming if losing weight is your primary concern. Lifting is good as long as you do a few on the weights that you feel is the most you can take.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by stallion

about the beer, its true you will gain weight if you drink too much and if your liver is bloated. Its high in calories so if you must drink, go for the wines and especially red wines but I doubt we drink for health reasons. :)

With workouts, do more caridio related exercise like running, swimming if losing weight is your primary concern. Lifting is good as long as you do a few on the weights that you feel is the most you can take.
I'm from the dirty south part of town here in Cowlumbus. During the spring and summer, my brotha-in-laws and I, will break out the weights and stand around get drunk, lift weights in the yard and drive way. Don't know how bad it is to lift weights with a buzz, but it does seem to push us a little more, and we tend to bench press more than usual after having a few beers. Now obviously, I'm not talking about drinking to the point of being impaired here, that's a no no you kiddies. :)


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2001
Reaction score
New Jersey
Originally posted by stallion
Your post's idea is good and we should post more tips on how to look better but I have to disagree with your eating tips.

I'm a intern in becoming a registered dietician soon ;)

Going off the topic a little bit...

I know that there's not a lot of males in RD program. Most of the RDs I meet are women (nice-looking ones too). Your gonna be surrounded by women :D

Yeah boy!!

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Hey guys! I'm going to add to the list as I promised by giving you another two items.

First of all, let me clarify: The pasta should be taken if you're bulking up. I did not mean to imply that heavy people should eat it, rather than if eaten during the workout process, will contribute to larger muscles.

Now, what have we got so far?

1) Get into shape and develop muscles
2) Exercise control over your defects and embrace them


Control your acne

Not every guy has it, but most guys with low confidence levels do. I used to have moderate / severe acne, and I've heard millions of myths and a few truths. After many years of "getting over it once and for all", let me share a few insights.

Washing does not make it go away. Sweating may increase the probability of you getting a pimple. The sun does not make your skin less likely to develop acne but the tanned skin effect will have a limited effect on hiding spots. Fatty foods and chocolate actually DO increase your risk, even though scientists would tell you otherwise. Don't take antibiotic drugs, they wear off quickly. 99% of all treatments work toward prevention of the creation of spots rather than the treatment of existing ones and this is why it takes a "while for the stuff to work", so apply in all the areas you are LIKELY to DEVELOP new ones. The best three treatments: Diffrerin gel (the best), Isotrexin, Brevoxyl. Do not accept the first treatment given to you.

Do not pop pimples! Failed attempts are long lasting. You'll be out of the game for WEEKS.

Makeup MAY hide spots but this is like the combover effect. Many guys think its gay too: stick with your problem until its fixed.

On the topic of food causing acne: 99% of foods cause it, some worse than others, so don't just quit "chocolate" etc.

Practice your smile

I thought I could never smile properly. Do a search for some smiling posts, and you may come up with one of mine with a humourous photo. After a year, I now know that a great smile is PRACTICED even though you may not be born with one.

Your teeth has to show and have to be seperated. Your eyes tell the biggest part of the story, they must be a little creased. Raise your eyebrows as well. When practicing, do this slowly.

If all else fails, actually try being geniunely happy. Think about all those successes you've had in the past year... the hottest girl YOU kissed... etc. Its not all bad.

While I'm on this topic, there's a product out thats expensive and has only a small effect on your looks. Its called Whitening toothpaste. I've used it for a year now and its not the COLGATE crap. It costs ten pounds. I make a point of buying the most expensive possible toothbrush and toothpaste once every three months. Checkout ladies scan the toothpaste TWICE every time just to make sure! (£10 ~= $15). You never really see your own teeth when you're interacting but almost everyone else does... and you show your teeth more often than you think (I've just seen a camera recording of me interacting... trust me on this one, I didn't think I showed my teeth that much while smiling). Whiteness is noticable. Most girls with enough confidence to say something nice about my teeth do so.
To be continued...


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Stallion - i eat boiled chickenbreast (sometimes fish), half a russel potato and some green vegetable (usually asparigus, spinch, or collad greens) for dinner everynight. It's cheap (I spend about 25 dollars on groceries a week) and apparently healthy.

My question is how much does lamb usually cost and where can you find it. It's in the grocery store now (because of easter) but other then that it's a rare item.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
"Do bench presses, situps..."
NOT situps, crunches. Situps use the hip flexors not the "6 PACK" abbs.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
heh... sounds like you guys should go read the H&F Forum... there's a lot of stuff that's been said over there that pertains to all of this. Go on there any day and you'll prolly see stuff about diet/weights/crunches/losing fat...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
The problem with H & F Forum is that its like a cult over there... Theres no bible for the health aspect and some people over there seems pissed off whenever you ask some newbie question.

I've seen people get yelled for asking a dumb newbie fitness question and was told to use the search function under their name... They're pretty obnoxious to the point that some veterans there remind me of those muscle guys with little brain with no manners or simply, a jock. Anyways, enough flaming on them. :)

I've never seen some of those people post in this general discussion/tip forum and I doubt some people here would go over there.

So I think it won't hurt to introduce some health, nutrition stuff here once awhile to people here, right??

PRMoon, with lambs, they're usually right beside the turkey section in groceries. They might be called Veal or lambchops depending on your local groceries.

For anybody interested in the scientific aspect of eating lambs, it has a lot of carnitine and it pretty much help you digest and burn more energy. (Your mitochondria does the burning, yeah baby) You'll burn off your carbs first and then get to your fats where you want to get rid of those adipose tissue bums.

Abou the price, its around 5-6$ for a pack of it. Its a tad more expensive than chicken but I'm willing to try it out and see if it helps myself. Also, I heard that those skinny models eat lambs too.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oh yeah, I forgot. Nutrition department is a great source of chicks. I'm also doing my masters in the nutrition at the school of public health and theres a lot of nice looking girls here.

At least for white girls, a lot of them are attractive but asians are a bit low. Otherwise, its a girl heaven here.

In a class of say 30 to 50 students, we have 3, 4 guys me included. Its even better in a smaller class because in 20 people class, there are only 2 guys with me included!! :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nicholas Hill
Drink 8 glasses worth of pure water every day. Don't drink tap water unless you want to start growing breasts (the stuff has female hormones in it. The waters' been through 8 people's set of kidneys already). To be honest, you won't develop breasts, but drinking tap water may cause you to have the "feminine" version of confidence. Women have periods a lot and they flush down the excesses of the pill and other similar contraceptives.

True, but i wouldn't worry about it. Why? Guess what buddy. that so called"Pure" water you have been drinking out of, evian or whatever spring water you think is healthy, is far from it. Why? The plastic bottles they come in. See, when the water is bottled and sealed in the plastic bottle, the bottle seals are heated. the plastic heats up, releasing estrogens into the spring water you've been drinking. Yup, that so called pure spring water every ones been drinking lately has more feminizing causing estrogens in it than tap water. What can you do about it? Not a dam thing. Nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by Nicholas Hill
Do not pop pimples! Failed attempts are long lasting. You'll be out of the game for WEEKS.
Not to say that not to try and pop pimples is bad advice but if you try it and it fails then that's not a reason to take yourself out of the game. Whenever I have some temporarily looks problem like that I don't sweat it, I see it as an opportunity to rely on my game more. I have done this with the botched pimple pop thing before. Also, I was shaving once before going out to the clubs and I fvcked up my goatee badly. I was considering shaving the whole thing off before I went out but I left it in the position I messed it up in and I did very well that night (dance floor PU --> !close).

Out of the game for WEEKS? Because of a PIMPLE??? Dude, if you are going to let things like THAT slow you down then you are LOOKING for excuses to take yourself out of the game.

Originally posted by Nicholas Hill

Makeup MAY hide spots but this is like the combover effect. Many guys think its gay too: stick with your problem until its fixed.
Who gives a crap what guys think is gay? Are you "one of the guys" or are you "the guy who gets girls"? Keep track of the difference, because most of "the guys" are AFC's.

I am a fantastic dresser when I want to be. I go particularly over the top at clubs. Do guys sometimes point out they think I look gay? Yes, however I don't notice those same guys enjoying the company of many women at the club.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
"They might be called Veal ..."
Sorry but veal is baby (milk fed) COW. Young enough to still be drinking milk but not eating hay.

Bob da man

New Member
Apr 17, 2003
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Ok, I'm new to this board but here's my two cents on this subject:

stay away from those franchises & find a good salon. It's more expensive for the haircut but you'll be better off in the long run. This will take some time to find one you like, but once you do and if you stick with the same person giving you the treatment, you'll see a noticeable difference. &, every 6-7 weeks between appointments at a maximum! In general, the stylists working in these places are women with a level of sophistication you won't find in SuperCuts. :)

I'll probably get beat up for this one but I don't care. Fingernails! Women notice them!!! For years growing up I beat on them constantly, now maintaining them is part of the daily routine.

For both twenty and thirty-somethings, subscribe to GQ-forget Details. Depending upon the circles you associate with determines the wardrobe. Ever gotten an invite to a wedding? (great place to meet women!) Try to have at a minimum 2 suits for events such as these. Because most weddings take place in summer, OWN a summer suit, seersucker or off white. Over time, I've accumulated more than my share and now it's just a matter of 'pasturing out' the older ones for new ones I pick up along the way. Find a place with knowledgeable tailors on staff and build a rapport with them. Once they see you as a loyal customer, they won't be selling you a bill of goods. Jos A. Banks & Bachrach both are great catalog places to fill in the wardrobe.

eyeware (for those of you who wear glasses):
I was never comfortable with contacts so glasses are a must for me. Replace them after a couple of years when they start showing signs of wear & shop around for frames...after all, they'll be with you for a while.