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  1. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    Girls have pasts but I live in the moment not in the past. What straight guy doesn't want a hot babe? I require more starting with fun and smart and good in bed. You hypocrites sleep around yet want a girl that doesn't, like she'll even tell you lol. If she meets my standards and is disease...
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    Armed Guards at Church

    Blane the police lol. The police should be more aggressive and throw every last gang member in prison. Funniest part is these gang members often believe in a book of make believe also known as the bible or koran or some other crap book.
  3. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    It's 2015 and not 1915. You meet a hot girl and if you are stupid enough to believe she hasn't been enjoying sex before you then you are a nitwit. Attractive girls without stupud hangups love to have sex and naturally have been around the block. Get used to it.
  4. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    I'll read the hot girl I'm interested in rather than a crap study. I've asked for STD tests with some of the girls and all have agreed. Girls have asked me too and I have agreed. STD free.
  5. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    I examine their behavior. All that I've asked have agreed and I get tested with them.
  6. D

    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    Michelle Cretella is an enemy of freedom. Astonishing you quote anything out of her filthy mouth.
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    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    Why the hell not? You're sexual orientation is part of who you are. I'm annoyed at all this religious crap spewed all over. As annoyed as I am religion should be banned. Religious people have the right to believe in a book of make believe.
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    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    I believe in freedom and less goverment. The koolaid drinkers are those who are against freedom. The democrats and republicans are big time koolaid drinkers. Gay marriage should be legal. At the same time a bakery should be able to refuse to bake a cake for any reason. It's all about...
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    Armed Guards at Church

    Police need to have the leverage to be much tougher on gangs and other criminals.
  10. D

    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    Freedom is anything but a detriment. That's why I'm for freedom to marry who you please, freedom to get an abortion at any stage, and businesses should be free of onerous regulations. Too bad the libertarians aren't more competitive.
  11. D

    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    Good news since divorce lawyers have families to feed.
  12. D

    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    Supreme Court justices are indirectly chosen. We vote for president and congress. The president appoints abd the senate confirms. America is a republic. Obama is spot on about this issue. It's too bad Obama places onerous regulations on businesses so overall he's not the best. Putin is a...
  13. D

    Facebook's "Celebrate Pride" picture editor

    Just a good thing because this is about freedom and freedom should be celebrated. Freedom for individuals are for businesses is where the nation needs to head. America is land of the free.
  14. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    Male from DFW and I stand by my opinions. If she passes her STD test I don't give a crap who she's been with. If she's hot she's been around.
  15. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    A girl with a lot of partners gets so many because she's hot. I like hot. We all like hot. Most girls refuse to answer or lie anyway so why even ask? Her behavior gives away what kind of girl she is anyway.
  16. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    Girls with high counts often settle down. Look at her actions and if they are consistent with her words she could be a keeper. So many guys see a hot girl and are so enomed by her that he ignores her faults, even when big faults. Can't do that. To make assumptions based on amount of lifetime...
  17. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    Agreed we see it differently. I look at each girl separately and look at her actions. Always actions over words.
  18. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    Ho is an outdated term. Guys and girls love sex and more power to those who get a variety of sex. I don't give a fvck what she has done. Studies, studies, studies, get your head out of the text book and into the real world. Times are changing and even if these was some validly to the...
  19. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    These stats don't take into account anything else. Her behavior while your with her if you're paying attention tells all you need to know. A study of this kind is meaningless in the real world. Girls when asked about their past usually lie and it's foolish to even go there. Some guys and...