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  1. M

    Moderators: Why did you ban Newby 15?

    WTF? Who the hell are you? You're having the melt down. On second thought, forget it. This place is a joke.
  2. M

    Moderators: Why did you ban Newby 15?

    What? Oh, so there was an orchestrated effort to ban me for no reason. I can share my advice just as he or anyone else can. Moderators can't ban people for sharing advice that doesn't break rules.
  3. M

    Moderators: Why did you ban Newby 15?

    Saying there is quality women in the world is a troll? I see how it is here.
  4. M

    Moderators: Why did you ban Newby 15?

    Scan through the forum at all the rule violators. Banning me for nothing.
  5. M

    How long can women hide their red flags?

    Whatever. Hating won't get you anywhere. I guess you have no quality women in your family. Cried to the mods to have me banned? I can't disagree?
  6. M

    Moderators: Why did you ban Newby 15?

    Why was I ban for disagreeing with Poon King about women? I happen to believe there are quality women around. I broke no rules in this forum. So why was I banned when other members are doing far worse? I have to hate women to be a member? i thought this was a pick up forum. This sucks.
  7. M

    Game failure

    good luck