Game failure


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
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I'm back on the forum guys and need some advice. I've got a massive massive sticking point...!

My short term game is good. For example, last year I must of slept with around 20 chicks. Some might think, fantastic this guy has got it sorted but I have a major flaw in my game. The flaw is:

- I meet a chick and I built a bond, make them feel comfort and make them laugh very quickly and they seem to build this sense of trust around me which I know is good. This can then go two ways I bang them and leave and lose interest in them or I start liking them.

That's when it all comes tumbling down. If I start liking them I start over thinking, are they speaking to other men, have they lost interest, why aren't they texting me as much as before etc and then I start cracking and present a desperate image to them. I end up chasing them when in reality I want them to chase me. I put them on a peddle stool mentally and start being a bit of a chump. This has happened to me with 3 chicks in the past year whom I happened to have liked and got on well with. I lost my mojo and because of that presented desperate traits and ****ed it up.

My questions are:

- How do you maintain interest levels after the first week?

- I'm a very communicative person, i speak a lot on the phone with them and maintain a constant stream of messaging. Is that bad?


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
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MillionBillionaire said:
You slept with 20 chicks last year? Why do I doubt this..
I've got no reason to lie on a pua site.

In this day and age we have tinder and A ****load of clubs to pick up women. And me mentioning that I've slept with 20 women wasn't an ego boost for myself but more along the lines of explaining that my issue isn't picking up the women but it's maintaining the interest levels after a certain period of time and self destruct when I begin to like them...


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
You're ONSing and (attempted)LTRing from the same pool of shyt women. You cant bang first and ask questions later and expect the girl to be any good. Quality women wont make you feel so insecure like that. These women are not found in the same places.

Thanks for your advice. These 3 chicks I didn't bang. I didn't pursue that option instantly because I saw traits I liked in them for an LTR. And these 3 I didn't meet on tinder etc


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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then I start cracking and present a desperate image to them. I end up chasing them when in reality I want them to chase me. I put them on a peddle stool mentally and start being a bit of a chump.
I think you've figured out what YOUR issue is. Which is good, a lot of guys will keep making the same mistakes, but never realize that they are the ones doing something wrong, and therefore only blame the women: "I treated her great, then she left me....must be a *****." As an example.

You said you banged 20 chicks last year? How many of those were repeaters? I ask because if they were all, or most, ONS's then that's less than spending one night every two weeks with a chick. Easy to comes as desperate if that was the case. Get some of these into a rotation. Not one, but multiple. Start with one night a weekers. Get a few fvck buddies, where all you do is bang, and she leaves, then a few that you do $hit with, go to the movies, get ****tails...and then bang. They don't have to me much: HB6-7. But it's a start, and what you're doing is working your way up.

It's called spinning plates. This will give you an abundance mentality, and therefore allow you to naturally 'play it cool', when a good quality one comes along. If you feel lonely, an HB6-7 will fill the void until the HB8 calls...


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
My questions are:

- How do you maintain interest levels after the first week?

- I'm a very communicative person, i speak a lot on the phone with them and maintain a constant stream of messaging. Is that bad?
Answer: Don't date american women.

Answer: No. You will not need to do this with clingy Asian women, they'll do it for you. I am sitting at home watching movies, wife knows this, yet I still get 8 to 10 texts a day asking where I am and what I'm doing.

Ft Steak

Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Go to Ft Steak Texas and eat a steak. Ft Worth Texas should get renamed Ft Steak Texas. Ft Worth is a dumb name. Ft Steak is better.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
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Peaks&Valleys said:
I think you've figured out what YOUR issue is. Which is good, a lot of guys will keep making the same mistakes, but never realize that they are the ones doing something wrong, and therefore only blame the women: "I treated her great, then she left me....must be a *****." As an example.

You said you banged 20 chicks last year? How many of those were repeaters? I ask because if they were all, or most, ONS's then that's less than spending one night every two weeks with a chick. Easy to comes as desperate if that was the case. Get some of these into a rotation. Not one, but multiple. Start with one night a weekers. Get a few fvck buddies, where all you do is bang, and she leaves, then a few that you do $hit with, go to the movies, get ****tails...and then bang. They don't have to me much: HB6-7. But it's a start, and what you're doing is working your way up.

It's called spinning plates. This will give you an abundance mentality, and therefore allow you to naturally 'play it cool', when a good quality one comes along. If you feel lonely, an HB6-7 will fill the void until the HB8 calls...
I probably had about 11 repeaters and about 6 of them were **** buddies that I filtered out. They were getting clingy so I had to phase them out. But they were just a fvck and nothing more. No dating etc. So I totally agree that I should have women in my life just to fvck and others to go on dates with and fvck


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
You actually need to pursue the bang instantly with all types, but the quality girl will not succumb so quickly. Its part of the screening process. Where did you meet them?
I've met some on Facebook, tinder, bars, clubs, friends friends etc. my approach to banging them is very upfront and can in return push some chicks away thats why I opt if I like them to be a bit more reserved so I don't come across as a dog on heat which funnily enough opens up another can of worms where I still end up fvcking it up lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Jeffrey12 said:
So I totally agree that I should have women in my life just to fvck and others to go on dates with and fvck
Either that, or, like me, be able to be content spending time by yourself.

Do your own thing, make your own plans.

If your HB8 hits you up at the last minute: "Sorry, can't tonight"

Something as simple as this^ can send a strong message.


If he banged 20 chicks in one year I'll have what he's having.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
BlueAlpha1 said:
If he banged 20 chicks in one year I'll have what he's having.
Haha, honestly having sex with women isn't the hard part of the game. Building up interest, raport and sexual tension quickly is what I happen to do well. The bit I don't do well is control my own emotions, maintain interest levels for long enough and I put certain women on peddle stools. My short term game is good its my long term game that needs tweaking and for me the long term game always overpowers the short term game because it builds up more than just a physical element to the interaction. I'm a fond believer in being able to get into someone's mind and so to speak control it and their body will follow