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  1. 2

    Growing Taller Exercises

    5'8'' really isnt that bad man. Its only slightly below average. I know a guy who is 5'2'' and nobody would ever f**k with him because he make up for his height with a strong, confident, personality and bodybuilding. So, the point is, dont stress over height its no biggie, especially when u get...
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    Hairloss and Workingout

    I know this question has come up before, but I still have no real answer. The doctor I asked this question to seem unrealable at best (he is not my dr. anymore). Here it goes: Has anyone who is suffering from male pattern baldness noticed an increase in hairloss while they were on a natural...
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    Chicks acting as DJ's??

    My bad Starman, just some typo's there, I will edit.
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    Chicks acting as DJ's??

    Let me start off by saying that I do not have oneitis, but this chick I know really has me confused. She is very flirtly, and talks to lots of guys but, I have never seen her except phone #'s, date, or anything past a hug. I know for a fact she hasnt had a bf in about a year. She flirts a lot...
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    If you're losing your hair PLEASE READ

    Don't put down scientifically and FDA proven treatments for baldness such as propecia and rogaine. They work for a lot of people. Propecia stops the progression of hairloss in 83% of men. It works by lowering the hormone DHT that is the cause for hairloss. The point is to hold onto your hair...
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    Hair loss & testosterone.

    Thats a good point, however I have had doctors tell me that it is indeed possible that lifting could affect hairloss. Yet no clear cut answer. Getting on meds like propecia will however keep your DHT level down no matter what.
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    Hair loss & testosterone.

    Avacor is a total rip off. The only real way to stop the progression of hairloss is propecia(finesteride). It stops DHT, chemically, which is the real problem. 83% of male user stop there hairloss, and 63% actually regrow hair where it was lost. Pricey though, and no insurance covers it...
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    Using free form aminos for Growth Hormone release

    Unbridled, What, exactly, are you taking, when do yuo take it, how do you take etc?? I am extremely interested! Are you 100% positive you grew 1.5" that quick?? PLEASE let me know!!
  9. 2

    Being a hardgainer with a manual labor job (Input much appreciated)

    SAME THING! I can believe this! I was in the same exact situation! About two years ago I also began a job as a shopping cart attendent in a store with over 500 carts. After a couple of weeks I could not make any gains in my workouts, and even lost some mass and weight. My bodyfat was WAY...
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    Hair loss & testosterone.

    How can we be sure that the hormones themselves dont produce the enzymes??
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    Using free form aminos for Growth Hormone release

    I dont want to look like a freak, I just want to grew a few inches taller in proportion...?
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    Using free form aminos for Growth Hormone release

    Would the release of Growth hormone increase your hieght as well. I am 5'6", 18 years old, and would love another inch or two, or at least maximize the growing period I still have left, men grow until 21. Can anyone recommend the use of specific aminos or other supplements that help height...
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    Hair loss & testosterone.

    I cannot find any good answer for this question on the internet any where. Perhap I will ask my own doctor. If anyone has a clue, please fill us in!?
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    Hair loss & testosterone.

    Just wondering.... If lifting weights increase testosterone, wouldnt that increase DHT, because the enzymes would have more testosterone to convert, thus increasing the rate of hairloss? I have heard bodybuilders are more at risk for hairloss, is this why or perhaps its because of steriods...
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    Valentines Day discussion thread (Merged threads)

    Valentines Day? There is this chick I work with that I have been Djing for the past few weeks. (Be gently, I'm a beginner) I am getting tons of positive feedback from her. Well, Valentines Day is coming up, and if I just let the day pass and not say or give anything to her, I think I will...