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  1. S

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD

    Does my ex sound like she has NPD to you guys? I could use some opinions. I should have known she was an attention wh**re from the start because of the hundreds of pictures of herself on Facebook. Like you guys she hooked me in by being ridiculously complimentary all the time, saying how...
  2. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Thanks for the link brother. I read through it, and although she's extremely narcissistic and self important, I don't think she fits the description in the link. This girl was constantly complimentary of me, to the point where she was calling me perfect and telling me she loved me so much...
  3. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I was doing well, man. I've been working out and building my confidence back up. It's definitely time to start getting out there and spinning plates again. My brother is Facebook friends with her and he just told me that she switched her status to "In a Relationship" with this dimwit. He likes...
  4. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 22 I saw a picture on instagram that some dude posted a week ago of the shelving above her bed taken from a lying down angle.........aka this piece of **** is now boning my ex. I really feel like texting her and telling her she's a piece of **** for seeing some guy 2 weeks after we...
  5. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Thanks for the responses guys. I needed to hear that. I deleted her from Facebook and Twitter and I feel better already.
  6. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 13 I stupidly looked at her Facebook page. She posted about how she was going to go out and get drunk after her exam tomorrow night. I'm pissed off, mainly because I had no idea this break up was coming. Maybe I should just delete her from Facebook.......or would that look pathetic?
  7. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    First time posting in this thread. It's day 8 of no contact for me. My girlfriend dumped me via text message last week after suddenly acting quite distant for a couple of days. I haven't responded to that text and I don't intend to.
  8. S

    Revealing too much info

    So I've noticed a pattern in my past relationships..........basically the chicks drill me constantly for information, and at the start I'm pretty good at deflecting their questions with humour, but by a few months in they basically know everything about me and get bored. Any tips on things...
  9. S

    Where did I go wrong?

    Oh and when she told me she couldn't hang out at the weekend because she had college work I replied saying "That's cool. I'm going out with some buddies tonight and I have a friends birthday over the weekend. Have fun :)"
  10. S

    Where did I go wrong?

    I'm not withholding any information whatsoever. She told me she broke up with previous guys because they turned wussy on her, but I never did. The worst thing I did was get complacent with my weight and falling into patterns. That's it.
  11. S

    Where did I go wrong?

    Hey guys, This is my first post on the forum, so I thought I'd make it useful and to ask where I could have gone wrong in my previous relationship. I'm not looking for ways to win her back, as we all know that's dangerous territory, but I'm looking for advice in discovering where I went wrong...