Where did I go wrong?


Don Juan
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys,

This is my first post on the forum, so I thought I'd make it useful and to ask where I could have gone wrong in my previous relationship. I'm not looking for ways to win her back, as we all know that's dangerous territory, but I'm looking for advice in discovering where I went wrong so I can implement the change in the next relationship I have. I'm no stranger to seduction or having sex with women, but one area my game is lacking in is in relationships.

I'd known the girl in question for years (through mutual friends), but we never got to know each other until December last year when she started messaging me on Facebook. Needless to say I asked her out. First date went great, I played it cool, kept it ****y/funny, and then by the third date I was back at her place.

Fast forward to two months in and she asks to be my girlfriend. Fast forward to three months in and she's telling me she loves me. I told her I did too. All the while she was doing 80% of the contacting, 80% of "I love you", and generally telling me how into me she was constantly.

After a week of being a little distant she cancelled our weekend plans last week because she had college work to do. Then I get broken up with through TEXT message on Saturday morning. I haven't responded to her since then because she doesn't deserve it.

Have you guys any thoughts on why this could have happened? Considering I didn't show wussy behaviour at all in the relationship I'm having a hard time figuring it out. There was a holiday that she talked about going on with me a lot, and in retrospect I didn't even bother saving for it and just put it out of my head. Also, I put on a lot of weight from the time we went out first to when she dumped me. I fell into a lot of patterns too, such as always going to her place at the same time every weekend, staying Friday, Saturday and Sunday and leaving at the same time.



Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Either you are withholding a huge chunk of the story or she found a new better d1ck to hop on..

Either that or its a test for her to determine YOUR interest level.

My bet is your leaving out a massive chunk of the story.


Don Juan
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not withholding any information whatsoever. She told me she broke up with previous guys because they turned wussy on her, but I never did. The worst thing I did was get complacent with my weight and falling into patterns.

That's it.


Don Juan
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Oh and when she told me she couldn't hang out at the weekend because she had college work I replied saying "That's cool. I'm going out with some buddies tonight and I have a friends birthday over the weekend. Have fun :)"


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
SlappaDaBayyys said:
Also, I put on a lot of weight from the time we went out first to when she dumped me. I fell into a lot of patterns too, such as always going to her place at the same time every weekend, staying Friday, Saturday and Sunday and leaving at the same time.
This sticks out as being a huge red flag. Hard to tell of course with that little information you provided, but if you stop trying with your own life and get too comfortable/dependent with the relationship and you no longer challenge and stimulate her the way you initially did.. then yea, you know how that works out.