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  1. H

    She wants to put things on "pause"... What do I do?

    Update: Haven't contacted her since she said she wanted to put things on hold and been on multiple dates since Saturday. Back to my old ways. She called yesterday afternoon and I was dumb enough to call her back when I got home from work. It really is all about them. She had the balls to ask...
  2. H

    Advice please guys

    If she wants to date you she'd tell you sober and be direct. Anything else is just bs. You dont want a girl that is back. And forth on things. Ignore it and keep doing what you're doing. She'll contact you again but ignore it. I've had one in my life like this for 10+ years now. She lives...
  3. H

    She wants to put things on "pause"... What do I do?

    That's exactly what I did after I got the I need space comment after our first argument. Went NC for a week. When she called me she made a comment about me not calling her. I said, you said you wanted space so I gave you space. Meanwhile I had just been on two other dates the day before...
  4. H

    She wants to put things on "pause"... What do I do?

    The worst part is on my way to meet her I told myself if she says anything other than we are good and going to one forward with then I would tell her we're through. Completely forgot all about that once we started talking. I put the control right back in her hands after gaining after going NC...
  5. H

    She wants to put things on "pause"... What do I do?

    Thanks guys. It's easy to get in your own head with this sh*t to make you believe that this time is different. Haha. After a week of me not contacting her she calls and asks to meet up talk. That talk as I mentioned just led to let's put things on pause. I would have actually preferred to...
  6. H

    Stuck in a pickle..

    Any excuse you make she is going to see right through and that will be the end of that FWB. This isn't some girl you just f* every now and then. You have a mutual respect for each other. I would just tell her. Based on what you've said about her she'll understand. Sh*t happens.
  7. H

    She wants to put things on "pause"... What do I do?

    Been seeing this girl for 3 months and we had our first argument. She accepted why I was mad and took full responsibility for it but said she needed space. I gave it to her and didn't contact her for a week. She finally called and we set up time to talk. She said the way that I spoke to her...
  8. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Thanks Fuko..... Your responses are always the cold harsh reality that I need. Back to day 1. Not using this to try and get her back. That would be good for no one.
  9. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Not really upset about breaking NC. Just feel in a tricky situation right now. She called for help but we are not together so I should not support her. If I do I will just become that shoulder to cry on while she's out with other guys. I have too much self respect for that. The other side of...
  10. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    After 30 plus days... NC Broken I called her Saturday afternoon. She answered and it was a good light hearted convo. Nothing about the past. She was timid at first then normal. She said she thought she'd never hear from me again. I feel fine with calling and do not regret it however it did...
  11. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 30..... Halfway there. Feeling good, looking even better. Anyone out there sulking and letting it consume you, STOP. Look at yourself now, hit the gym, run, do pushups. Look at yourself again in a month and you will feel great. I still miss her and think about her often but what's...
  12. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Darrenez.... Girls don't forget. Whatever you did years ago if she still can't get past it she never will. You were in a dead end. Count your blessings and move on. Saving yourself a lot of further heartache. Same reason mine ended. She couldn't forget that I left once before and it scared...
  13. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Cheeks.... Exactly. That is usally what gets me not to call. The scenario in your head will never pan out and you will only come off as weak. Nothing good will come of calling. Lotus... I feel you. This was our 2nd time around. I left the first time and broke her heart b/c I wasn't...
  14. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 29... 38 overall The urge to call her is getting worse. My head feels clear like I can just call and be casual but the fact that I want to call is telling that I'm not ready to. I have convinced myself that I don't want her back and have been dating but I know the truth is that I do want...
  15. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 27...... Feels worse than day 1. Been good the past couple of weeks but out of nowhere came this heavy feeling again. Been going to the gym, continuing other hobbies and going on dates but still can't get her out of my head. There are so many other oprions around me but can't seem to...
  16. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Cheeks.... The pain you feel now is nothing compared to what you feel after you contact her. It will be just like it was the first day. Hang in there and don't give yourself false hope. Truly work on yourself. That is the only way. Only time will tell how everything else will work out. One...
  17. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 23..... Day 32 since breakup I have really wanted to call the past few days but have held back. This week seems harder than the last. The good thing is I work two jobs so there is limited time for me to actually make a call. Last night was one of them and while at work during the day I...
  18. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Right with you Cheeks... Day 22. Been over two weeks since she contacted me. I didn't respond and nothing again. Can't get her out of my head but also not wasting any time dwelling on it.
  19. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 20 since contact..... 29 overall Feeling good. She is still on my mind but the urge to call her is much more controlled. Everytime I want to I just think of what the outcome of it will be and in the end I see that nothing good will come of it b/c it will just be a pointless...
  20. H

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Get your dog. This type of contact is necessary. Dont lose your dog. Be casual and treat it as a random run in. No conversing. Light, simple get your dog and go.