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  1. B

    girl showing too much affection already

    This is what most beta's do to girls they have high interest in. Any wonder why the girls run. A young girl with high interest will act just like a beta guy and this doesn't mean she has any issues other than really liking you and being a little insecure. If you like her just go with the flow...
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    Never dating an older woman again...

    Great synopsis of what I have seen with women in the 40-50 range. Jealous and wont believe you can love the for who they are because they never loved anyone for who they were only for what they could get so they have no concept. The rare one that is somewhat attractive compares herself with her...
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    girls who show interest always turn out to have boyfriends

    I have used this one in years but if you find one that really is into to you and says they have a boyfriend say " wow that is great. I have a girlfriend. When we go out maybe they would want to hook up and go double." It has worked but only if the girl shows real interest
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    unsure of what to do? gf issues

    Move on. You already know the answer.
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    Girl Asked for Text Reminder

    Ok from the old men of the game. Look at every situation as unique and what the circumstances are. Old phone. May not be able to put a reminder in it. She is in grad school and has a lot on her mind and may be so overwhelmed at the time you asked her that she just worried that she would forget...
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    Is going to a yoga class worth it?

    When women work out the get sweaty and don't have make up on. They are not wanting to be hit on because the feel self conscious. Now I would say hell yes going to yoga will score you lots of dates but you can not do it like your normal game. Here is how it works. you go and seriously do the yoga...
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    For the guys who can't get the good looking women...

    If you are not attractive but want a hot chick. I will give you a little secret. Hot girls who are very shy end up with men much less attractive than they are as a norm. They require a lot more time that it is worth to get laid in the realm of the better looking guys and they prefer an ugly...
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    Why can't I ever get with good looking women?

    Shave your head. grow a goatee. Create an original look. I know many guys that don't look great but created a unique image that really worked for them. Make what you don't like about your looks in to an asset by appearing that it is intentional and you will get more confidence. Keep working out...
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    "Did you delete me off FB again??"

    I avoid facebook with women like the plague. I do want to comment on a missed opportunity. When she wanted to hug you in the club I would have taken the opportunity to do it in front of as many cute girls as possible and then used that validation to break new sets of girls. Instead of leaving...
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    Girl flakes on me after I flaked on her

    She was invested in you. She wanted you and was not sure if your excuse was real and wanted to work out in her mind what happened. I would not have apologized but would have said that work pays the bills and requires much of your time. If she would like to get together the next time you would go...
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    A girl who flakes *sometimes*

    Oh by the way, I suspect that currently you are set up as her alternate plan if she doesn't find anything better to do she has you to fall back on. I would not bother telling her not to flake I would let her figure out that you are not a beta by your actions. Women do not understand logic and...
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    A girl who flakes *sometimes*

    The next time she wants to reschedule and gives you a day that is good for her tell her that day is not good for you. You have a friend who wanted to cook dinner for your. She will not need to be told anything else as guys don't cook dinner for other guys at your age and will know you mean a...
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    So I could use some advice...

    If it were me I would end it. What you are seeing now will get worse and not better. I would not end it until I had several other options lined up since it is much easier to show your true alpha to new women if you are getting laid.
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    Not interested in dating women my own age

    In the last 12 months. 22,25, to that were 30, two that were 31, and one that was 42 but she completed 2 full iron man triathelons and was built like a rock.
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    Gf Broke Up With Me - Need Advice

    Go to the DJ bible and read women to avoid by Bungo Pony. You will find her type in there. I dated 2 like her and trust me things only go down hill from where you are at. Run and don't look back.
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    Never really thought about style until now...

    Ok first post. Women will notice your shoes. Quality matters. Modest budget Allen Edmonds and Alden not bad. make sure you can get ones that say they can be rebuilt. Loake are similar in quality and price from England but don't hold up quit as well but can be rebuilt. Grensons are a little...