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  1. 9

    The "if she is interested she will contact you" theory...

    I think you should keep trying, don't give up so easily. I once was taking to a girl that would forever ignore me. I would call/text her a lot not everyday tho but I would try to get a hold of her to try an initiate a something between us. She never answered for about 2 months. I know this...
  2. 9

    Phone Call HB8

    bro if you like her contact her, it wont hurt. she might be a shy girl.
  3. 9

    "Be yourself" is the WORST advice in the history of mankind!!

    i dont know what the hell u talkin bout but most girls love honesty. you can lie about money, girls, materials and a bunch of other things but never about yourself, stay true to yourself. people will respect you for that and girls will love you for it
  4. 9

    Does this girl like me?

    i read you have her number. send her a few text but not on every second, hour or day. send her text messages every 2-3 days and keep it short and funny. remember best you can do is t not make it into a big deal, give her, her space but also show her your desire for her.
  5. 9

    If you are decent guy and cant get a girl it could be because of ...

    yo dont need social skilsl to get a girl, you dont even need it to have friends. maybe those type of people tend to be lonely because they refuse to give it a shot or be them selves. i consider myself to be a mild introvert, i truly enjoy being alone but can have friends and girls and have fun...
  6. 9

    Does this girl like me?

    relax she is busy, if you first dont succeed get up and try again.
  7. 9

    This is a tough call for me!! Need help!!

    "She doesn't seem flirty like that to others" bro she likes you and not others. give it a shot if YOU like her cuz she obviously likes you. if she just wants sex than you hit the jackpot brah. your in the military you have balls, go for it. Thanks for your service :)
  8. 9

    really interesting documentary about lonely guys

    gym gives you an amazing amount of confidence. even if you still look like **** you will feel like a sex symbol. as for girls yea they asses too should hit the gym if a girl feels her self too much and start naggin me i just call her fat ass out or tell her she is getting old.
  9. 9

    Should I apologize her?

    don't apologize bro, i could understand where you coming from about being nervous, just dont bring it up, forget the past and focus on the future. hit her up on fb. be funny and flirty let her know that you aint no bff type of guy but at the same time show respect and dont try to be too...
  10. 9

    Does this girl like me?

    Wow bro you just meet this girl and your already obsessed, Calm down. Talk to her like a friend if she keeps initiating signs gain her trust and make a move, tell her you want her to be your gf or Better yet tell her how you feel about her but not on some tomorrow stuff,get to know her more...
  11. 9

    really interesting documentary about lonely guys

    Wow these guys are glorifying girls as if they were some sort of buried treasure worth maintaining the survival of human extinction. To me they look like normal guys, as a matter of fact they look like they would make good group of friends. The problem I see in them is that they focus too...