Does this girl like me?


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I went to a field trip, and there was a girl who initiated and asked for my name. I asked for her name in return, but I forgot it later during the whole trip.

She gave out a lot of signs that she liked me. She would complimented my shoes, told me to sit next to her when we were playing a card game, accidentally touched me many times, offered suggestion to put me in her group, showed worry and care when I mentioned I had an injury on my back, offered me to wear her hat, blushed when I gave her a hug, and the last and hilarious one was that she wanted to take a picture with just two of us when there were three people in front of the camera. She did it by zooming in on us and leaving out the third person. LOL.

Two days later when we met again in school she said she was happy to see me and missed me. I was so surprised that she said she missed me. And she asked how was the injury on my back.

Before we departed, I asked for her number, so we could have a contact. I gave her my phone and asked her to input her number and name since I didn't remember her name, and then she told me to call her. I wasn't sure why, but maybe she wanted to make sure I have the right number or she wanted my number as well?

I don't really know her much. Should I call her and ask for a date? I believe she has high interest in me, but I could be wrong. I have had been wrong before, and it didn't end well for me, so I don't want to make the same mistake again.

user name

Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Raymond said:
I went to a field trip, and there was a girl who initiated and asked for my name. I asked for her name in return, but I forgot it later during the whole trip.

She gave out a lot of signs that she liked me. She would complimented my shoes, told me to sit next to her when we were playing a card game, accidentally touched me many times, offered suggestion to put me in her group, showed worry and care when I mentioned I had an injury on my back, offered me to wear her hat, blushed when I gave her a hug, and the last and hilarious one was that she wanted to take a picture with just two of us when there were three people in front of the camera. She did it by zooming in on us and leaving out the third person. LOL.

Two days later when we met again in school she said she was happy to see me and missed me. I was so surprised that she said she missed me. And she asked how was the injury on my back.

Before we departed, I asked for her number, so we could have a contact. I gave her my phone and asked her to input her number and name since I didn't remember her name, and then she told me to call her. I wasn't sure why, but maybe she wanted to make sure I have the right number or she wanted my number as well?

I don't really know her much. Should I call her and ask for a date? I believe she has high interest in me, but I could be wrong. I have had been wrong before, and it didn't end well for me, so I don't want to make the same mistake again.
only one way to find out. ask her out.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Wow bro you just meet this girl and your already obsessed, Calm down. Talk to her like a friend if she keeps initiating signs gain her trust and make a move, tell her you want her to be your gf or Better yet tell her how you feel about her but not on some tomorrow stuff,get to know her more. Good luck and be yourself and don't over think things.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Shes into you.

Dont become all needy and develope oneitis. Talk to other girls STILL because you two arent exclusive. And yes set up a date with her. Dont say date because that puts pressure so just ask to hang out then escalate at your own pace.

Do not tell her how you feel or to be "your girlfriend." Thats just asking for a disaster.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Washington, D.C.
Holy shieet.

Calm down man. Always try to play everything cool.

What I mean by this is, never make a big deal out of anything. She likes you? Cool. Take her out and go have fun. Not a big deal if she's shooting all these indications of interest. Come from a frame of - Oh, She SHOULD like me. I AM interesting and fun.

Just don't telegraph your feelings and emotions so soon though.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I was never overreacting. I haven't shown any interest in front of her, except the part where I asked for her number. I was just gauging her interest level and determining if I should ask her out. Maybe she's interested or just being overly friendly.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Raymond said:
I was never overreacting. I haven't shown any interest in front of her, except the part where I asked for her number. I was just gauging her interest level and determining if I should ask her out. Maybe she's interested or just being overly friendly.
it's cool, brother.

ask her out. her response will determine her interest level.

state a date, time and place and see her response.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Train yourself to remember names. It's a skill which will not only massively help your dating but your social skills in general.
And yeah, she's giving a lot of buying signals. Ask her out.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Greasy Pig said:
Train yourself to remember names. It's a skill which will not only massively help your dating but your social skills in general.
And yeah, she's giving a lot of buying signals. Ask her out.
Amen to this ^^^


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score

I called her. She didn't pick up, but returned my call in like 5 minutes. I went straight to the point and asked her if she want to go out tomorrow. She said she couldn't because of she had to study for a test in the following week, which was true. Right now is midterm season and I myself have a test next week. So, I told her it's fine, next time then. She didn't counteroffer a date and just repeated what I told her and said "next time."

What can I make out of this?


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
954luigi said:
Wow bro you just meet this girl and your already obsessed, Calm down. Talk to her like a friend if she keeps initiating signs gain her trust and make a move, tell her you want her to be your gf or Better yet tell her how you feel about her but not on some tomorrow stuff,get to know her more. Good luck and be yourself and don't over think things.

relax she is busy, if you first dont succeed get up and try again.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
954luigi said:
relax she is busy, if you first dont succeed get up and try again.
She's not my in classes. We don't get to see each other. It's not like I can talk to her every day. That's why calling her and asking her out to know her more is more effective. A date is to get to know each other, not saying a date is straight into relationship.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Raymond said:
She's not my in classes. We don't get to see each other. It's not like I can talk to her every day. That's why calling her and asking her out to know her more is more effective. A date is to get to know each other, not like straight into relationship.
i read you have her number. send her a few text but not on every second, hour or day. send her text messages every 2-3 days and keep it short and funny. remember best you can do is t not make it into a big deal, give her, her space but also show her your desire for her.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
954luigi said:
i read you have her number. send her a few text but not on every second, hour or day. send her text messages every 2-3 days and keep it short and funny. remember best you can do is t not make it into a big deal, give her, her space but also show her your desire for her.
Yeah, I think you're right. I should text her to know her more.