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  1. J

    Girl slightly losing interest, what to do?

    ... This is a similar situation for alot of men.... it just happens when you begin to chase too much. Fact. When you are in a state of "abundance" - meeting girls, getting their numbers, talking on the phone, meeting for drinks, dates, dinner at your place, whatever... you lose the...
  2. J

    are you seeing someone else? thoughts about this question

    Some simple steps Joker... you are playing in her world, not yours!! Flip it! You were fine with your dialogue with her, but then you got needy and after she said she's not avaiable this week... you asked about next week! Big no no! Especially with a girl that doesn't really deserve your...
  3. J

    Girl slightly losing interest, what to do?

    What the?!??!?! Dude!!! I just read your whole message.... WHy in Gods name are you talking or texting this chick everyday?!?!?!?! Don't ever do that again with any chick - ever!!! You need to first apply the attention, admiration and affection... then take off, do your thing, be a man...
  4. J

    Girl slightly losing interest, what to do?

    Chill... Dude, you don't have to delete her number. Have some self control and just understand whats happening... You came on strong and now she's the cat or little puppy thats running away. Just go about your biz, start dating more girls, keeping busy and hold out on contacting her...
  5. J

    Handling V-day w/girl losing interest

    Hold out Don't do anything... you've been chasing this chick and she's showing signs of low interest. YOu have to flip it... outwit and outwait the girls. Stop chasing her and see if she notices and starts reaching out to you. When she does that, chit chat a bit, then say, whats up...