Handling V-day w/girl losing interest


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
I met this girl about a month and a half ago. At first, she was very much into to me. We texted all the time and hung out a lot. Then I started to become too available (not DJ) and she has been losing interest. I noticed this about a week ago, and I have not had contact with her for 3 days now. My question is, what do I do about Valentines Day? Do I continue no contact or get her a little something? I still like her, and I know she still has some feelings for me. By avoiding her on V-day is that a deal breaker or a good idea?



New Member
Feb 13, 2013
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Hold out

Don't do anything... you've been chasing this chick and she's showing signs of low interest. YOu have to flip it... outwit and outwait the girls. Stop chasing her and see if she notices and starts reaching out to you.

When she does that, chit chat a bit, then say, whats up? You want to hang out sometime?


Yes - "What days are you available this week to get together"... set up the date!

No - "Ok, well great talking to you! I have to run now - Keep in touch"

Wait til she reaches out again...

Rinse and repeat


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Kbish828 said:
I met this girl about a month and a half ago. At first, she was very much into to me. We texted all the time and hung out a lot. Then I started to become too available (not DJ) and she has been losing interest. I noticed this about a week ago, and I have not had contact with her for 3 days now. My question is, what do I do about Valentines Day? Do I continue no contact or get her a little something? I still like her, and I know she still has some feelings for me. By avoiding her on V-day is that a deal breaker or a good idea?

Did you bone her? If you haven't, pretty much a lost cause - no point in further contact from you.

If you haven't, no point in further contact from you until she re-initiates (if she does).

Classic mistake guys make - thinking more = more. Less = more. If a girl isn't interested (or has lost interest), becoming even MORE available (as you're doing) is just going to make it worse. If she likes you, she'll come to you. If she doesn't, it's not the end of the world; go find another.