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  1. N

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    What makes you so certain he's already over it? And when I asked him a week after the break up whether he was still IN love with me he said "I don't no whether to tell you the truth or to lie to you to make things easier" I said "tell me the honest truth and he said "of course I'm still in love...
  2. N

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Nc My boyfriend (and business partner for 2 years) of 7 years (we are both 23 so were eachothers first love) he dumped me 4 weeks ago because he "wants to be alone, he doesnt think were working at the moment, he doesnt want to stay together only for pure monogomy, he needs to sort his life out...