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  1. C

    The Worst AFC Songs of All-Time

    "When a Man Loves a Woman" by Percy Sledge It's an oldie, but just listen to the words---YIKES!!! :eek:
  2. C

    Do girls just prefer uglier guys

    (Have you ever seen a great looking guy, I mean a guy that you know, as a guy, chick find him hot, yet he's with a mediocre babe? Very rarely do you see a great looking guy and a great looking babe together. It happens but it's rare.) I think good looks in a guy can be a "lure", just like a...
  3. C

    Do girls just prefer uglier guys

    Well, I think you would have to post specific examples for people to comment, but from just the information you're giving, you're attracting them (probably from your looks), but you're either doing or not doing something to keep them interested. Are you boring them? Are you turning AFC? I...
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    Do girls just prefer uglier guys

    Being fit and muscular is great for your health and health and self esteem, but never think that your looks alone will attract women. When you say you have the hardest time atracting women, are you talking to them, joking with them, flirting with them, or just relying on your looks?
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    young women in their 20s dating old men?

    Desdinova, first off, I don't think 34 is old!;) I am 49, I have a shaved head and some grey in my goatee. I honestly don't think I look 49, but probably look like I'm in my late 30's, early 40's. Anyway, most women are flakes, and I have found the younger ( "younger" being 20 to 25 years...
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    young women in their 20s dating old men?

    I think the majority of 20 something year old HB's are not going to go for an older guy. Usually the ones who do (for some reason HB's in drama/acting class in college are the most open to it, I've found. Don't know why. Maybe they're more adventurous. Who knows?) I think they're intrigued by...
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    Guys with money-confidence.

    " If you were to ask me 'How do I succeed with women' I'd say "Make alot of money." That's the way to do it for the majority of men"--David DeAngelo
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    she's attracted to me BUT i sense a bf, should i just no contact her?

    Sofomore, and Omega05, I agree with you. And Sofomore, I think you hit on big problem on this forum--so many guys here preach giving up too early and going in to 'No Contact' when there hasn't even been any kind of real contact established yet. I don't get it.
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    Have I scared her off? What gives?

    All good. Just heard back from her this morning...she text me saying, "Have a fabulous day today, darling."
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    This no contact foolishness is why you are all getting no women

    SgtSlacker, yes, you should ALWAYS be pursuing more than one woman at a time, it keeps you from falling in to oneitis and it will make you less offended when some HB shows resistence, because you know she's not your only source for sex, so consequently, you can be less uptight with her and thus...
  11. C

    any suggestions for inspiring books?

    For guys suffering from AFC--"No More Mr. Nice Guy", by Dr. Robert Glover "The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison: God doesn't think he's Larry Ellison." A biography of the Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. Flat out, Larry is pimp. "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz "Unlimited Power"...
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    This no contact foolishness is why you are all getting no women

    I am only about a week on this forum, and I kinda agree. I get the feeling too many guys are wussies and the way they deal with a woman not calling back or whatever is they immediately apply 'No Contact', Listen, i'm not a dating expert, always learning, but I do know enough to know that when...
  13. C

    Guys with money-confidence.

    Just had a conversation with a waitress at grill that hang out at in town. I have no romantic interest in her, so she has become a friend. We were talking about confidence in men, and how she finds it a turn on. We got on the subject of guys with money and how some guys flash their money right...
  14. C

    Have I scared her off? What gives?

    Slickster, the " push and pull" is how i' ve been doing it up until this weekend. I would initiate a text and not respond until she texts me back, and she always does text me back. I guess what has me worried is her actions on wednesday, very into me, and I texted her twice yesterday and today...
  15. C

    Have I scared her off? What gives?

    Thanks guys for the reply posts. They were all helpful. I definitely don't have a case of "oneitis" with her. Read R Don Steele's book once, and I realize she's young and anything can happen. She is a little hottie-- 5' 1", petite, killer brown eyes, and like I mentioned, a great ass. A lot of...
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    she's attracted to me BUT i sense a bf, should i just no contact her?

    The facts are if you're waiting for HB to be completely single before you pursue them, you're going to be waiting a long time. Most hot hb's are either currently in a relationship, being pursued by other guys, or both. If a woman is married, well, that's one thing-- proceed with caution or not...
  17. C

    Why do guys settle for less?

    Personally, I think PUA has saved a lot of men from having to settle. PUA has taught me to be proactive with women. Now, if I see a beautiful woman, i dont believe she's unapproachable or ungettable to me. I don't wish that I was I born with certain genes or had millions in the bank in order to...
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    Have I scared her off? What gives?

    Let me clarify, her birthday is this coming Friday.
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    Have I scared her off? What gives?

    I am 49 years old, and over the past month I have been pursuing a HB 21year old. I have been careful not to get in the friend zone (making sure my conversations and texts are romantic in nature) but also going slow because of my age and I don't want to scare her way. Took her to a coffee date...
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    Tips for big guys on how to attract women

    Your weight doesn't matter at all. The reason why alot or big (FAT) guys fail with women is lack of confidence and dressing sloppy. Go to an upscale big and tall clothing store and spend between $300 to $500 on some nice clothes. Make sure you get clothes that fit good! Then read some of the...