This no contact foolishness is why you are all getting no women

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Apr 16, 2012
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A lot of the posts on here seem to have some very bad advice in rards to solving all your problems with "no contact".

In a situation with no results, shall the tree be kept dry? Shall you pray for a drought to spout the leafs and bring forth the seeds? Of course not. No contact kills your chance of success.

As an Israeli of African descent I find it very odd that anyone would choose to suddenly stop talking with a girl the moment you sense they may not be interesed. How is running away a good thing? How is runnin away manly? How is running away attactive? They percieve this no contact technique as nothing more than manipulation, self concious control of ones character which within itself is desperate and as retreat which no real man should ever do.

Surprise woman. Let woman know you need them much as. Give them some disections to evolve because when the rain comes, then you lucke dout son.
Gotta hand it to em.



Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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There's a finesse to it. You should have a certain degree of integrity (different for everyone). When a girl crosses the line, there's no reason to ever talk to her again.

What gets misconstrued are the small indiscretions and the too-early NEXTing. Push-pull is an art, but at the same time if a girl has expressed little to no interest and you're still trying to contact her, you're not doing anyone any good.


New Member
Mar 30, 2012
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To stick with your analogy no contact is used when the tree is has already been watered enough. If you keep watering it your gonna end up killing it lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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the idea of NC is when she do something, really bad, like ****ing another or the deal is too bad or not worth the time to save it, so you just leave it at that and go do something else, but here is teh deal if you do it don't wait for it owrk in a way you will get her back again, if you do its for you move on, also remeber its just a thing you can do, I tryed to pull that nc thing with the gril I worked on since I had a bad deal with it, after one week, I decide to cool things of to make the work less boring so I talked to her she said what she wanted, I told her "up to you ,whatever you choose I don't care.
sometime after she was normal(like her normal) again and the strange is she is more friendly now, go figures.

but again NC is not about running, think like retreating a lost battle, cuting loses and get ready for the next battle, if it will be one the same battlefield or another only time will tell, but in mean while train, get more resources, more gear, for the next one you give then hell.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
As an American of Earth decent, I can't wait to see this trolling experiment end.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
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I am only about a week on this forum, and I kinda agree. I get the feeling too many guys are wussies and the way they deal with a woman not calling back or whatever is they immediately apply 'No Contact',

Listen, i'm not a dating expert, always learning, but I do know enough to know that when you're trying to seduce a woman, rejection is going to happen along the way. Grow a thick skin and get over it. I have gotton women for no other reason then I was persistent. {There's a difference between being persistent and being a stalker. Know the difference.)

Now, that being said, NC can work in a long term relationship ( a year or more), but some guys are just meeting the women, she puts up resistance, and the dude goes immediately in to No Contact. That's just silly.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Recently I have been considering how NC is used on these forums. I think a critical part of the NC equation is to also be spinning plates. If you are only talking to one girl going NC at the first sign of anything seems a bit extreme. It makes alot more sense if you have several plates spinning.

T.I.L. Plate theory and NC go hand in hand...


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
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SgtSlacker, yes, you should ALWAYS be pursuing more than one woman at a time, it keeps you from falling in to oneitis and it will make you less offended when some HB shows resistence, because you know she's not your only source for sex, so consequently, you can be less uptight with her and thus be more attractive to her--but my point is I think some guys are so uptight about rejection that they use "No Contact" as an excuse for not talking to her again, and they almost feel relieved that they don't have to talk to her, because the guy is shy, low self esteem, or whatever, and they justifyit in their mind by saying, "Well, I'm applying 'No Contact' ".


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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ChargingRhino said:
SgtSlacker, yes, you should ALWAYS be pursuing more than one woman at a time, it keeps you from falling in to oneitis and it will make you less offended when some HB shows resistence, because you know she's not your only source for sex, so consequently, you can be less uptight with her and thus be more attractive to her--but my point is I think some guys are so uptight about rejection that they use "No Contact" as an excuse for not talking to her again, and they almost feel relieved that they don't have to talk to her, because the guy is shy, low self esteem, or whatever, and they justifyit in their mind by saying, "Well, I'm applying 'No Contact' ".
We need to make a distinction between NC, and just dropping a girl that's not working out for you. To me NC is a means to get a girl interested in you again. Some dudes here use NC as a means to just drop someone altogether. With that being said I also believe that NC can only be properly used when a girl is already interested in you. Not on some girl you just met that has not put out by the second date.

Example or proper NC: You want to get something going with a girl you have been on and off with for a while. Take her out a couple times really show her a good time. Then go NC to force her to pursue you a bit, to force her to realize she misses/wants you, to force her to be a little more overt with her feelings about you. You cut contact right when she is beginning to fall for you. BOOM HEADSHOT!

Example of a girl that just needs to be dropped: You want to get something going with a girl you have been on and off with for a while. Take her out a couple times really show her a good time. Then she tells you how she really values your friendship and sees you as a brother figure and that you are definitely not her type. Then asks you to go with her to planned parenting because she might have caught something from some dude at a club last weekend...
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
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i think people have different expectations about No Contact. Some use it to move on from a girl while others use it hoping the girl will run back to them. I also think it's too easy of a solution to people's problem.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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No contact is the strongest tool in your arsenal. It prevents you from catching feelings and getting burned like i'm sure most of us have before we got here.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
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Toast123 said:
In a situation with no results, shall the tree be kept dry? Shall you pray for a drought to spout the leafs and bring forth the seeds? Of course not. No contact kills your chance of success.
When the tree has died, you stop wasting your time watering it and you move on to a new, healthy tree.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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NC -no contact NEXT!-NEXT

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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Toast123 said:
A lot of the posts on here seem to have some very bad advice in rards to solving all your problems with "no contact".

In a situation with no results, shall the tree be kept dry? Shall you pray for a drought to spout the leafs and bring forth the seeds? Of course not. No contact kills your chance of success.

As an Israeli of African descent I find it very odd that anyone would choose to suddenly stop talking with a girl the moment you sense they may not be interesed. How is running away a good thing? How is runnin away manly? How is running away attactive? They percieve this no contact technique as nothing more than manipulation, self concious control of ones character which within itself is desperate and as retreat which no real man should ever do.

Surprise woman. Let woman know you need them much as. Give them some disections to evolve because when the rain comes, then you lucke dout son.
Gotta hand it to em.

Methinks "Toast" is what this "Black Israelite" has done to his brain from smoking one too many trees.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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MisterD said:
No contact is the strongest tool in your arsenal. It prevents you from catching feelings and getting burned like i'm sure most of us have before we got here.

As a non-Israeli-non-African-human born on my birthday, I agree with this.

After a certain point you just feel stupid trying to start something with a girl who doesn't text to say hello or even wants to go out with you when asked (always refuses, lame excuses, washing hair, etc).
Sometimes your gut instinct kicks in and you realize being optimism is not being realistic.
If you get a little positive feedback in return, then I say stick with it and see where it takes you. Other than that, you turn into Stalker Dude.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
MisterD said:
No contact is the strongest tool in your arsenal. It prevents you from catching feelings and getting burned like i'm sure most of us have before we got here.
Yes, its a strong tool, but the strongest tool is being willing to walk away.
No contact is for healing, its a defence. Nexting is the tool that many of us need to learn.
Nexting and going NC - LEARN THE DIFFERENCE, learn to use each properly. If you have to use either of them, e.g.disrespectful girl/ getting over an ex, then you should be willing to make them permanent. Otherwise you're proving that you can't deal without the girl, and therefore are not the prize.
I will concede that nc will help spark interest, but can we refer to these as 'HS' now? Or hamster spinning, since this what we are trying to achieve in these instances.

Judge nismo, your ruling please?

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
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But... But the Disney movies told me to shower her with attention, drain all my money on her, and spend all my waking moments worried if she likes me or not.


The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
SgtSplacker said:
We need to make a distinction between NC, and just dropping a girl that's not working out for you. To me NC is a means to get a girl interested in you again. Some dudes here use NC as a means to just drop someone altogether. With that being said I also believe that NC can only be properly used when a girl is already interested in you. Not on some girl you just met that has not put out by the second date.

Example or proper NC: You want to get something going with a girl you have been on and off with for a while. Take her out a couple times really show her a good time. Then go NC to force her to pursue you a bit, to force her to realize she misses/wants you, to force her to be a little more overt with her feelings about you. You cut contact right when she is beginning to fall for you. BOOM HEADSHOT!

Example of a girl that just needs to be dropped: You want to get something going with a girl you have been on and off with for a while. Take her out a couple times really show her a good time. Then she tells you how she really values your friendship and sees you as a brother figure and that you are definitely not her type. Then asks you to go with her to planned parenting because she might have caught something from some dude at a club last weekend...
SgtSplacker rules. GREAT post.
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