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  1. U

    Buying that girl a drink

    I buy drinks for random girls at the bar, and only make sure they see who bought it. Maybe a word or two to catch interest. Then I move on. Over half the time they come seeking me out, not that I'm necessarily that interested to begin with. I just like being the random mysterious guy. I...
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    What would you do in this situation?

    YES! Exactly what my first instinct was... then I was like... I wouldn't want to be arrested because some ***** decided to mess around with some guy. And **** you stop being bigger than me :box:
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    Does a DJ cheat?

    Fine Line
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    Field report - some advice on follow up

    No, he just worded it weird. When a chick brings you home, or goes home with you, sex is implied.
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    so when do you contact her after the first date?

    Guys, this might sound insane but... I wouldn't contact her at all. "WHAT?!" is the response I expect. Allow me to explain. This girl. Is she your only woman in the wings? She should not be. You should be talking to a lot of girls and reaching out to them, exchanging numbers and what-not...
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    What would you do in this situation?

    Those are words coming from a man who is confident in himself. Really, I think this is THE answer to the problem. But so many men are afraid of losing the girl and having to "start over", etc. Good on you!
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    Women's attraction has many forms

    It's good to be versatile. In a club, in a casual social situation, at a ****tail party, a black tie event... all call for different ways to interact with women. If you are bulletproof and already have: a deep personality, intelligence and interests outside of football and are keeping yourself...
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    Competing against competition

    Number 1: Any job that you make 35k or more with a year, and you don't live in NY where rent is insanely expensive, will get you laid by high caliber chicks if everything else in your life is set and you aren't just throwing money away all the time. You just stay aloof about your job. Number...
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    What would you do in this situation?

    So I'm sort of a man*****. And a bit of an alpha-bastard who picks on betas... at about 6 foot, 220 on steroids I can pretty do what I want in most situations without thinking someone will get a clever idea and slug it out with me (as if that happens in our era anyway). I was in the club...
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    Most People Are Boring....

    Lack of free time to roam around at planned mixers and heading back to shared living situations where tons of people are already at also may put a damper on roaming around with a posse :D
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    Stop masturbating

    Masturbating raises the levels of your "satisfaction" hormones and therefore will make you less horny, alpha, etc. It just makes you lazy. Of course you didn't want to run! Now, if you bring yourself almost to peak and then don't, you'll be able to run for 12 miles. After masturbating, you...