What would you do in this situation?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
So I'm sort of a man*****. And a bit of an alpha-bastard who picks on betas... at about 6 foot, 220 on steroids I can pretty do what I want in most situations without thinking someone will get a clever idea and slug it out with me (as if that happens in our era anyway).

I was in the club last night. I went with 4 decent looking chicks, only knew one but knew them all quite well by the end of the night. Regularly I did rounds and would dance with any girls I saw that were attractive enough.

Anyway I went to this group of 7-8 girls. I have a habit of stripping off my shirt at clubs and getting really close to women (you just need to have a certain level of good looking). I chose one girl because I saw "Birthday *****" pinned to her shirt. She wanted me to strip off my shirt, I started to then realized the bouncers might get pissed at me for twice breaking their rules (I was dancing up on the whatever platforms with some girls... apparently ladies only up there).

So she said "Rub ice cubes on your chest!"

I have no ****ing ice cubes, *****. I was thinking that when she ran to the bartender and got ice.It was like this cup of ice was premade for her cause she was back in a second. Or she just really wanted it that bad.

She started rubbing ice cubes on my chest. Then she put them in her mouth and started rubbing them on my chest with her mouth. Sweet, I thought. Every other ***** was envious, like, "Why her? Why not me? I need the attention of that man NOW!"

This guy comes up, about my height maybe taller. Pretty good looking guy, even somewhat muscular (my ideas of muscularity are so skewed, so ill leave it at that). I remember this guy. Dancing awkwardly with this group of 7-8 chicks. I remember thinking as well Why is this handsome man so awkward?

Anyway, I can tell, oh no, it's her boyfriend. HAHA! So I offered for him to rub ice cubes on my chest, you know, to assert my authority over how little ****s I gave that he was her boyfriend and he was PISSED.

He didn't do anything... he just got pissed off at his girl and continued to dance sort of awkwardly later on.


What would you do if you found your Girl, on her birthday out with all her friends (and you came, for who knows what ****ing reason) rubbing ice cubes onto a dudes chest with her mouth?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
doctorj said:
I'd dump her on the spot :D
Those are words coming from a man who is confident in himself. Really, I think this is THE answer to the problem.

But so many men are afraid of losing the girl and having to "start over", etc.

Good on you!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
put the ice cubes down her shirt, then dump her.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Meast1525 said:
Honestly... I would of beat you senseless. I am 6'3" 240 lb ex college football player and I would NEVER put up with some bullsh!t like that. Obviously the girl is a slvt and I would never date a slvt or *****. Not to mention no girl would do some sh!t like that to me. This dude must have known his girl had tendencies to be a ***** and still decided to make her is gf. That's his mistake right there. You did nothing wrong... But yea.. If I was that guy I would beat the fvck out of you then dumped her ***** ass and just maybe fvcked one of her friends... Just maybe though cuz I am not a real revengeful guy haha.
YES! Exactly what my first instinct was... then I was like... I wouldn't want to be arrested because some ***** decided to mess around with some guy.

And **** you stop being bigger than me :box: