Buying that girl a drink


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
So I know this topic has obviously been touched but I just want to tailor it a little..

I'm in grad school and 28 yrs old.. I live in a town house near campus, and I go to the local bars. I'm sooooo sick of buying drinks for a girl to get her attention and then nothing coming of it. I have great charm, I lift a lot, so I have a good figure(not huge, just toned), I know I'm attractive facial wise (not trying to flaunt but I mean you just know when you are attractive I guess) and I have high confidence when talking to these girls.. So it's not hard for me to grab their attention. Sealing the deal is though however.

I've bought a few a drinks for one girl last weekend and I got a number and then she never answered the next night.

This past weekend I was buying drinks for a girl I met through a circle of friends and again nothing came of it..

What is your guys approach do buying a drink? I obviously don't spend a lot.. maybe 10-15$ here or there on them alone.. but still it adds up.

Is there a certain amount of conversation time you have before you offer a drink.. is it something you lead in with after a few minutes of charm? DO you buy her enough drinks to get her drunk and weasel her back to your place? Give me some pointers because obviously I'm failing here at this college town bar. I know majority of it has to do with the chicks having bf's here and just wanting free drinks.. I want to out smart the fox some how..

When I saw the chick I was talking to last weekend (who ignored my text the next day) this weekend, I thought about being like hey... I had a great time last weekend let me pick you up another drink, and get her a water and walk away.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
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So why are you buying them drinks in the first place? It seems like you have these women on a pedestal. I rarely buy drinks for women. Why should they be getting free drinks? They eat, sh*t, and p!ss just like we do. Just because they were born with an attractive face or nice body does not mean that they deserve free sh!t.

You need to completely change your outlook on "picking up" women. It appears you see them as the "Great Catch", not yourself.

Focus on starting up a conversation with a girl BEFORE even considering buying them a drink. Then, after a long conversation with them, and you know she is interested, THEN buy a drink for yourself and her. Never just her. Makes you look like a spineless pvssy that only wants to get in her pants.

I only buy drinks for my close friends, not some random girl that I probably won't see the next day.

Try to flip the script on them:

Go up to a girl and say "Will you buy me a drink?" *Smile* :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
come on man are you serious? you buy them drinks and dont get a number/response and you CONTINUE to buy them drinks... WHY DONT YOU STOP BUYING THEM DRINKS??


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I buy drinks for random girls at the bar, and only make sure they see who bought it. Maybe a word or two to catch interest. Then I move on. Over half the time they come seeking me out, not that I'm necessarily that interested to begin with. I just like being the random mysterious guy. I don't buy drinks for girls with any intention of hooking up.

If you only have 1 prospect for the night, you've already messed up.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Never buy a woman a drink at the bar. Get her to come home with you then MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN DRINKS!

OP, you are guilty of rewarding women for nothing. This makes you come off as needy. Pay your fine of $50 and 2 blue balls. When you're done, just strike up a convo.

Buying women drinks is a great way to get friendzoned and a leading cause of the price of pu$$y constantly rising. Women enjoy the male attention they get at bars and then sex is usually the farthest thing from their mind.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
wow there are still guys out there buying women drinks ??


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Sofomore said:
Go up to a girl and say "Will you buy me a drink?" *Smile* :D
This act is very transparent. It might have worked 10-15 years ago, but pretty much every guy is playing this game now and they all think they're being smooth/unique. They're not. Girls will see through this act before the words even come out of your mouth.

Forget the drinks and gimmicks. Just approach. No frills.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
This act is very transparent. It might have worked 10-15 years ago, but pretty much every guy is playing this game now and they all think they're being smooth/unique. They're not. Girls will see through this act before the words even come out of your mouth.

Forget the drinks and gimmicks. Just approach. No frills.
Ah well that's not my experience. Maybe for the 30+ bar-rats that you are hitting on. I usually say it as a joke and see what kind of reaction I can get out of them. Usually its a smile, a yes, or a no! then I jokingly tease her.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Sofomore said:
Ah well that's not my experience. Maybe for the 30+ bar-rats that you are hitting on. I usually say it as a joke and see what kind of reaction I can get out of them. Usually its a smile, a yes, or a no! then I jokingly tease her.

Yea I tried that approach.. it worked for a while until some other guy bought her a drink lol..

The thing is I did get numbers, I mean this has only been the last two weekends.. This isn't somethign I do all the time. I just know there were a few fraternity guys who I saw buying women drinks at the Bro bar, and taking them home after.. I guess the whole get them drunk take them home bid works on sorority chicks mostly. I was in a fraternity for a semester and had to drop few years back (2006) due to my heavy undergrad schedule.. but when we went out that was pretty much the approach.

Well lets see how this weekend goes I will just cold approach as usual and not buy any drinks.

Any of you guys in college feel its harder to get the attention of the girls in a college bar??

I was at home 3 weekends ago.. and I randomly started talking to a blonde hottie at the local bar. We were talking a good 20 min.. I then bought her a shot for both of us.. We talked maybe another thirty and she asked for my number and left.. We've actually shot a few text back and forth but we seem to always have opposite schedules so it's hard. She is very good looking but on the taller side.. I'm 6ft.. and shes about my height.. I'm usually not into girls my height but I figure i'd keep her around just to have a girl to hang with once in a while when the others fail me.