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  1. P

    - Best Male Haricut.

    Big fan of this look:
  2. P

    Girls with lots of guy friends

    Folks I am interested in this really cute girl, been going on dates, have made out (no sex yet) and everything is going well. No real emotional attachment or anything yet so its not a big deal. One thing stuck me last night as a red flag we were at a party and she mentioned typically she...
  3. P

    Dilemma: Getting closure?

    At the end of the day.. ask yourself this.. whats the point? What am I going to get from this? What is my return of investment? You'll realize there is no point, you won't get anything back from it, and you will just be thinking more about her. Quoted for truth - how to break up and...
  4. P

    I need some advice folks

    Then it all seems stupid really. One of my best buddies I think talked me out of it. Its really the wrong reason to want to bring a girl there just to show her that I have moved on.
  5. P

    I need some advice folks

    I'm actually going on some dates with a girl next week who I'm quite fond of. Shes the first girl I've met since the ex who I could see something happening with. I just haven't been interested in any other ones. If all goes well, I'm debating bringing to that party I was going to go to...
  6. P

    I need some advice folks

    Well she invited me to her going away party in a couple of weeks... Not sure how I should respond to this one. Luckily I actually have another party to attend that night. So I could show up for a bit wish her the best and take off. Not go and send her a text saying that. Or just say...
  7. P

    JohnChops: Complete Overhaul, Time to Change

    I'm not sure what you ended up dong here but I would either make plans to go see it with someone else or see it the other night. If they flake but set up another date its a good thing.
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    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    It's hard to say from this. Personally I don't think so but she sounds like an overall just terrible person and girlfriend who thinks shes entitled to do what she wants and has you in the palm of her hand. Why are you still with her?
  9. P

    How to Handle Being Dumped, Stood Up, or Rejected

    This post should be framed. This is some of the best advice I have heard on here.
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    Why you should NEVER take chicks "advice"

    I haven't so much taken advice from female friends but I have discussed problems with them. I only do this with a couple girls who I've been friends with for years. Nothing will ever happen between us and they are great friends so I have no problems talking to them. Other then them I only...
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    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    I posted mine a bit ago if you scroll through the thread. Everything you said hear rings a bell about my ex too. A trait with mine that I noticed with mine is that once the relationship went on for awhile she just never seemed to ever be happy, in her own life and with me. She was always...
  12. P


    If this girl is actually one of your girlfriends friends she will find out eventually. Everything becomes revealed over time.
  13. P

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    This is so true. I remember my ex one time hung up the phone on her Dad who was trying to help her with something. He didn't do it exactly as she wanted so she got pissed, yelled at him and hung up the phone. Her dad was hurt and she didn't even care, meanwhile the guy was freaking just...
  14. P

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    Most of these are a bit more extreme cases then she ever went too. Cries at the drop of a hat 100% true. I once had lunch with a female friend and she flipped out, slammed the door on me etc. That was the farthest anything like that happened. She didn't like most of my single female...
  15. P

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    5string I have a question for you and anyone else who knows a lot about BPD. With my ex one of the things I've noticed is she can never seem to find happiness within herself. She always seems to have to get it from an external source. It was me from when we met and dated for awhile. Then of...
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    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    Share the story bud, I think it is possible but not when the girl is still unsettled at a young age.
  17. P

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    I know I have already steared clear of a few girls who got attached incredibly quickly. I dont know if it means anything or not but all the guys my ex has dated in between and the guy right now have been total opposites of me. They all play the bad boy type, seem to have issues and are...
  18. P

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    I've been (and am still) here. I don't know for sure if she has BPD, she definitely fits a lot of the characteristics of it. I was her knight in shining armor when I came into the picture, she had nothing good to say about any of the previous guys she was with... nothing. She rarely hung...
  19. P

    she cant make up her mind!

    I would bail on this situation. It has impending disaster written all over it. Shes unstable, has no idea what she wants, and likes having you around so shes not lonely.
  20. P

    I need some advice folks

    Danger your message really hit me. I feel very similar to you this girl at times has made me go completely AFC, almost like I wasn't myself anymore. Looking back it really pisses me off to see. That's why when I re-introduced myself I made sure I was an abslolute rock, nothing she said phased me...