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  1. N

    Third Date Flake

    I'm assuming you know what your big mistake was: not sleeping with her the first night. She invited you over and basically wanted you to bang her. You rejected her- doesnt matter whatever chivalrous or romantic reason you had. That makes you look less manly, and less attractive- especially to...
  2. N


    Where the f do you live? Move to new York, la, sf, dc- you'll see plenty of Asian guys with white girls. Is it common? No, its not, I agree with you there. but my experience has been that its mostly because Asian guys don't try, or they adopt your "it's impossible" attitude. Trust me, I...
  3. N

    Realistically, how hard do men at the bottom of the racial totem pole have to work?

    I am 100% Asian and in my late thirties. The last three girls i dated were a 23 year old Russian, a 23 year old Latina, and a 27 year old blonde. Game trumps everything, game overcomes any racial bias. When I was younger, I had the same bias that most Asian guys have- that non- Asian chicks...
  4. N

    Got a Weird Text from a stripper's boyfriend. What's going on?

    I've dated 2 dancers. Regarding the OP's situation, I can only go on small details I've read, but my limited experience says she was never serious and/or gaming him. Yes, strippers give their numbers out, sometimes because they're interested, but it can be for other reasons too - to build/...
  5. N

    My Approach Journal

    As others said, nice job on doing 50 approaches. I'm repeating myself here, but at this point, now that any and all approach anxiety has been killed, you really need to start working on your conversation and interest-building skills. Right now you have practically none of that. Step one -...
  6. N

    How many of you over 30 is dating chicks 18 to 25?

    I talk to any girl I'm attracted to. I ask out any girl I have some rapport with. And I date any girl I have a fun time with. Age doesn't matter. I used to avoid girls I thought were too young, but eventually I found out that age doesn't define who you click with. Some of the wittiest...
  7. N

    My Approach Journal

    The ironic thing about your fear of "saying the wrong thing" is that you've been doing just that IMO. Boring her is exactly the wrong thing to do. Don't over think it. Doesn't even have to have that much "pizazz" as you say. My rule of thumb is, if it's a question I could ask any girl...
  8. N

    My Approach Journal

    Sorry, didn't mean to come off as harsh. In fact, in a weird way, I was trying to convey that he's on the right track, but he's not really trying to learn from his mistakes. Approach anxiety is a huge hurdle and this guys got none. But hes still wasting it if he doesnt do anything with his...
  9. N

    My Approach Journal

    Sorry, but your game is terrible. Having the guts to cold approach like you do is huge, and is more than half battle, but you're at a point now where you can't just keep doing what you're doing. What's the point? 28 approaches and barely 3 phone numbers should tell you something. I doubt any...
  10. N

    Please Help!

    I hear what you're saying, I still think you're seeing something that isn't there. Here's another way to look at it. Why do you think one of the most common topics of this forum, and any dating website for that matter, is the "friend zone"? Men have a long history of interpreting a woman's...
  11. N

    Please Help!

    Ok I've been fascinated by this thread for some reason and created an account just to respond. I promise you I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I'm being honest, am very successful with women, and I hope you take my advice as someone trying to help. I'm going to emphasize what remote mentioned...