Got a Weird Text from a stripper's boyfriend. What's going on?

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Texting was where I may have messed up. I was high on sleeping pills when I texted her and said some dumb ****s that probably turned her off. Then I try playing no contact on her. And saw her again at the club a month later.

I play aloof with her all night. But I noticed her taking glances at me all night. I dont know if that worked but she seemed eager to see me when we talked. Here I probably could have used some more game in her but I was in a mood. So when I left I ask if it was okay if I can text her again and she was smiles and said yes. Thats why I asked that way for the fools and idiots earlier.

So before this she was happily texting and giving quick responses. Now none and then this guy. And I agree why would he be messing with her phone even if I was a client. He had her phone for the five hours that we converse. That doesnt add up.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
Heh. This site really has devolved over the years. Just a bunch of beta newbies thinking they are pimps. Lol. What was I thinking coming here for help.

what were you thinking then? Is the stripper playing games the only woman in your city?


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
Which I did and she gave up her digits fast. So there thats how you seduce a hot stripper.
Sorry but I'm confused, did you sleep with her? If not then you didnt seduce anyone. From what you have put she ran some game on you and you got hooked in. Either you are being really naive about this or you are just looking for reactions on the forum.

Id like to think this is a genuine problem and would give you some proper advice but I think you really need to see this for what it is.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Heh. You make me laugh. If she was running game I would know. I can tell the differences. Get real strippers sometime get crushes on a customer. It happens.

And no im not hook. I want to finish what I started. You all act like im falling on love. Give me a break. That why I said this place has become bad. Just a bunch of rehash old ideas.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I actually had this happen to me a number from a girl who was a Hawaiian Tropics model and talked to her a few times, but then the next time I called, she put her boyfriend on the phone and he tried to act like a bad-@ss which I just totally laughed about on the phone with him...


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Put her number up on craigslist. Give the boyfriend something to REALLY text about LOL

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
marmel75 said:
I actually had this happen to me a number from a girl who was a Hawaiian Tropics model and talked to her a few times, but then the next time I called, she put her boyfriend on the phone and he tried to act like a bad-@ss which I just totally laughed about on the phone with him...
That is funny. What did you do to mess it up? From my end I assume she lost interest. But cant figure out the reason.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Let me get this straight, OP. You "gamed" her so well that she gave you her number and let you know what shifts she was working?

I'm sorry, but I would've thought she'd be wanting to meet you outside of work hours if she wanted your c0ck and not your money. Maybe I'm wrong....


Don Juan
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
I've dated 2 dancers. Regarding the OP's situation, I can only go on small details I've read, but my limited experience says she was never serious and/or gaming him.

Yes, strippers give their numbers out, sometimes because they're interested, but it can be for other reasons too - to build/ maintain a potential customer relationship, because they were drunk, because they like the attention. They are super flaky, so getting a number and texting her a bit isn't a huge thing.

When she initially pushed back on giving him her number, it's a red flag. When she invited him back to the club, it's a red flag. When she didn't return texts it's a red flag. None of this happened with the dancers I dated, but these did happen with girls whose numbers I got, but never ended getting to meet up with.

As for the comment that she was showing all the signs of being into him, I don't really know cuz I wasn't there. But I do know that these girls are the ultimate gamers and can game even the most seasoned guy. Next time you see a stripper you think is into you, watch her with other customers and see if she's showing the same sure-fire signs of being interested with them. And don't think they don't know all the Internet/PUA forum "tricks" to picking up strippers. They see that stuff from a mile away these days


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
Speculator E said:
Just an fyi. I dont need strong game to pull in hot chicks. I get by with my look and alpha prescene just fine. So I can say what the hell I want to. Not like you newbies here. Lol.
How's that convo going with that stripper you "pulled?" HAHAHA!

You "ASKED" her if you can text her again? I honestly dont even know what to say to that. What kind of self respecting man asks a woman if he can text her again - AFTER THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN HAVING A TEXT CONVERSATION?!?!!?

...I don't even..


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
If you never met her outside of work, you didn't pull her.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Nycnyc said:
I've dated 2 dancers. Regarding the OP's situation, I can only go on small details I've read, but my limited experience says she was never serious and/or gaming him.
lol. This thread is still active. The whole story is that I became beta/afc while texting and it weird her out. I was trying to fix that mistake but it didnt work. My guess is that things was taking too long. No worries. I moved on. It just that it would have been a nice ego boost. Ha.

Lol. Seriously people need to stop reading too much into things. Just because a 37 yo greasy pig cant pull one doesnt mean someone else can.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
BadNews said:
How's that convo going with that stripper you "pulled?" HAHAHA!

You "ASKED" her if you can text her again? I honestly dont even know what to say to that. What kind of self respecting man asks a woman if he can text her again - AFTER THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN HAVING A TEXT CONVERSATION?!?!!?

...I don't even..
She told me to stop texting her before the last time we met....i dont act afc in person so it wasnt a big deal. I might have fixed thing if my game was tight. She was giving some interest but I messed up by getting mad at her for that. Then I kind of rejected her when she offer a dance and said it would be free.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
You're right, Speculator. I have never fvcked a stripper, nor have I tried.
But that's because, unlike you, I go to real bars and meet women who are genuinely interested in me fvcking the living daylights out if them.

So keep existing in your fantasy world where strippers pleading with you to leave them the fvck alone somehow counts as interest.
Any man with a fistful of dollars can be "alpha" in a strip club, but it takes a true douche to then come to these boards and try to convince people who are actually in the arena that you're a big playa.
It then takes a douche with truly no idea of his own naivety nor lack of game to write something so cringeworthy and pathetic and then disrespect those who quite rightly point out your gross ineptitude.

First you get all butthurt when your inane fantasy is exposed, then you try to laugh off the criticism as though we - the truth speakers - are wrong because we somehow misinterpreted the infantile mewling of a wannabe DJ who got rejected by a woman who is paid to make you think she really likes you.

Can't you see how damn naive you are to believe anything a woman in that situation says to you?
I worked it out when I first went to a strip joint when I was 18. It was then I realised that the only legitimate way to get pvssy was to not go to a place where the women are essentially unavailable and who earn a living by trying to convince you they are truly interested in you.

So keep getting your ego stroked by scantily clad dancers who only acknowledge your pitiful existence as long as you pay, and then go home to mastvrbate, using your tears as lube and counting down the days to your next paycheck so you can go back and have pretty girls talk to you.

I'll be at a "normal" bar somewhere, using the sound advice I've found here to pull women who would give their right t1t to spend the night with me...and it won't cost me a damn cent nor my dignity.
37yo Greasy Pig


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Tell him to stop being beta. He's obviously bothered that you have the number. Tell him to deal with her. It is her fault. Nobody put a gun to her head and told her to give the number.

He's trying to turn it around on you, the fact is that he is the one with the issue.