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  1. W

    How to proceed.

    Hmm. Well, the only reason I invited her in the first place was because she had said she didn't have any plans and that she'd probably end up drinking. I invited her to drink with me instead but she said she didn't want to leave her roommate at home by himself. I realize now my invitation...
  2. W

    How to proceed.

    So, I invited a coworker over on Valentine's Day, but she declined. I had been getting loads of interest from her and thought it would be a good way to get to know her outside of work, but alas, seems like it was a bad move. Whatever. No big deal. But we seem to be flirting with each other...
  3. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    So, I guess I blew it this time. After getting numerous IOIs from this girl, I invited her over. She said she was probably going to end up drinking tonight because it's Valentine's Day and she's single, so I told her that she should come over and drink with me instead. She said she didn't...
  4. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    Also, something I found funny was that I had read somewhere that a girl offering you a bite of her food or a taste of her drink, etc. is a strong indicator of interest--and immediately the day after reading that, she offers me a drink of her redbull.
  5. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    No, I get it. I guess it really is just a big game, unless you have two people who point-blank just say, "hey, I want to **** you" and "hey, I want to **** you, too."
  6. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    Ha. No, she doesn't hate me. I'm just confused as to why you think there are games being played. Unless you're using that word in a more positive sense. I just always equate games with being somewhat negative.
  7. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    Ummm, what?
  8. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    So, she's without a vehicle at the moment, and when I asked her who was giving her rides to and from work, she said her roommate, which is kind of a pain in the ass because he isn't normally up so early. I told her that I wouldn't mind giving her a ride; she smiled and said she'd keep that in...
  9. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    I'm not going to be working there for much longer. Honestly, even if I were, I wouldn't really care.
  10. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    Well, I probably won't ask her out on a group date as there's really no group to speak of between the two of us, and "dates" aren't really my style. She's kind of a homebody from what I've gathered; I asked her what she was doing this weekend, and she said she has kind of boring life. I...
  11. W

    Is she dropping hints?

    I just started talking to a girl at work a couple of days ago, and in conversation she asked me if I was married, told me about all of her tattoos and mentioned that she was having one of her ex-boyfriend's name removed soon. I'm going to ask her to hang out regardless, but I was curious as to...