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  1. D

    Girl got up, started crying, and then ran off right before sex (srs wtf)

    She has a split psychological ego "said she acted like a schoolgirl around me". Be emotive, dramatic and word "daddy" usually goes down well c;
  2. D

    Is she dropping hints?

    Women play EMOTIONAL games (why fat guys get good chicks sometimes). Men play SEXUAL games (why guys go after good looking chicks). She is playing games just like your playing games, its all a test. And these are words, they may come of as negative but they have the same meaning, correct? Well...
  3. D

    Is she dropping hints?

    Okay, if there was NO INTEREST, she wouldn't bother playing games unless she hates you. Does she hate you? ._.
  4. D

    Is she dropping hints?

    Playing games is good, because shes trying to manipulate you. If shes trying to manipulate you, it means you've got something she wants OR she wants to see how you react to her actions.
  5. D

    Need help getting back into this...

    thanks guys, i'll look into those :) does anyone have any books on how to latch onto someone emotionly very rapidly? the idea which im thinking about is bringing up child hood memories and **** like that, would that even work? might have to pounder on that for awhile aye cheers
  6. D

    PD? Read, decide and give me your pearls of wisdom please! (Part 1)

    Didn't read it all, but here ya go :) Acting, throwing eratic emotions at you, seriously. One minute shes happy, next she wants you dead? This affects YOU because you are going into an emotional rollercoaster, she is controlling you through your own emotions. We are emotional creatures, and...
  7. D

    Need help getting back into this...

    Hey guys. Well i've been lurking here for awhile, and surprise surprise! 3 months later when I turned 17 I had my first girlfriend, blah blah, didn't work. Kissed a few girls after, felt like a God. And somehow during that time, I was actually getting some pusssay :rockon: Well the thing...