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  1. S

    How long did it take you to recover from a bad relationship?

    5 months for a 3.5 yr relationship. Best thing to do is work on yourself, I know this probably seems like the advice you will find everywhere else BUT it is because it really works. 1-. work on yourself (gym, hobbies, intellectual, etc) 2-. get social (friends, family and women) 3-...
  2. S

    Songs you work out/lift to.

    Anything electro house. Just put the playlist on shuffle and workout.
  3. S

    Protein powder - Before or after workout?

    Both. Depending on your diet and number of meals during the day. I space my meals out so I eat every 3 hours, so I will either have a high protein meal 30 mins before working out (or a protein shake if I'm in a hurry) and then one after the workout.
  4. S

    2nd time now..Girl ignores my text then responds the next day apologizing

    OR, take the best of both worlds. Put her in the backburner and see what happens.
  5. S

    7 things every "man" should be able to do IMHO

    Chicks absolutely dig guys who can wear a well fitted suit. It's worked great for me many times. :)
  6. S

    New...Where to Start?

    Start here Book of pook and then here
  7. S

    She invited me in and was dtf but then.....

    I would just give a bit of time and spin other plates to prevent oneitis. Unless you want a relationship which is entirely a different situation.
  8. S

    help regarding post-first date

    Approached, got the number, set up the date, went out with her. Evening went great, light and casual conversation over some coffee. Light kino, let her do most of the talking, kept eye contact yada yada. She felt comfortable with me and told me towards the end of the date how her sister texted...
  9. S

    back in the game, need some pointers

    4 year relationship ended because she got cold feet, we were engaged. She handled the break up horribly (she ended it) and I lost all respect for her. I still have feelings for her obviously it was a 4 year relationship of which we spent 7 months engaged but I respect myself too much to go...
  10. S

    LTR and your thoughts on them.

    What people above me have said, also it is very important that you do not take her for granted but you also need to respect yourself and tell her when she's crossing some lines. Call her out on her BS in a respectful yet clear manner. Also if it's going to be a LTR you will need to learn her...
  11. S

    back in the game, need some pointers

    Hey guys, longtime lurker first time poster. Got out of a long term relationship (4 years) a while ago and I'm all better now after many months of healing and ready to get into the dating scene again. Long story short I met a very attractive polish girl while I was with my ex so now that we...