7 things every "man" should be able to do IMHO


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
1. shave with a straight razor - for the life of me, I don 't know why guys are so damn lazy when it comes to shaving. you are missing the boat big time on this. all these "alphas" running around using that cheap ass shaving cream jel **** with the disposable cartridges. step your game upa nd learn how to use a straight razor. do you have any clue how sexy a man is to a woman who knows how to shave?

I am again, lucky to have one of those "i might be a jerk but dammit i'm a man and my son is going to be a man too" dad's so I could shave with a straight razor since I was in high school so it's something I took for granted that everyone could do. wrong. apparantly it's "too scary" or "to messy" for most men. not only will your face feel like a baby's ass when you are done if you do it right, women just find straight razors sexy. I remember one day I was going on a date and I was late as hell the girl came in and had to wait while I was getting dressed and I had to shave first and she was just starring at me and she was like "wow how do you do that, that's so neat,i have never seen a guy use a real razor before" i'm like are you fvcking serious? it's a razor, you just shave.

2. change a flat tire - because nothing in life screams "i'm a man fvck me" like being stuck in a car with a woman because neither of you know how to change a flat tire.

3. jump a car battery - see number 2. even worse, having to ask the guy who is giving you a jump, how to jump the car or put on the cables. yo m ight as well drop her home right then.

4. tie a regular non retarded looking knot with his tie- you know who you are. mom tied all my ties and they are all hung up in the closet already tied and all i have to do is throw it on and tighten it guy. comeonsongetitogether.gif

at my wedding last year everyone was running late (who isn't at a wedding) and my wife's nephew who is like 9 years old, was running around without his tie on and my step mom asked me real quick could i tie it for him, just right then on the spot. good thing i can tie a tie or else that would have been embarrassing.

5. cook at least one half ass decent meal - we all know the woman is going to be doing all the cooking in the relationship but I mean, you have to at least be able to have a go to meal in the case for the first at home dinner date that isn't going to taste like cardboard and isn't going to be burnt. Mine is shrimp and chicken alfreado. it'ts like a mini orgasm every bite.

6. use a lawnmower - I'm not even saying you have to cut your own damn yard lol, hell I haven't cut my own yard since I was in high school, that's why god made lawn services. but ****, you just never freaking know.

girl is moving into a new house or whatever and her yard looks like a diserted wasteland, she asks can you cut it for her. won't take you 20 minutes to get out there and knock it out and make sure you line the yard up right. no one wants to go over a girls house with weeds and **** growing everywhere.

And if you can't afford a lawn company, and you have a yard, the **** needs to be on point. women apy attention to that stuff. do you have weeds growing in your drive through? did you line the yard up right with the weed eater? say what you want about my dad but you go over his house and his grass is always high and green and thick and straight as hell. no one wants to go over anyone'se house and their grassooks like **** and they have weeds growing all in the back yard and you try to cover the back door window so they can't see how bad your **** looks. learn how to seriously take care of your yard.

as silly as it sounds I knew my mom was going to get a divorce from her second husband when she started calling my dad and having him cut her yard.. while she was still married to her 2nd husband again. that told me all i needed to know about what she thought about her new husband.

7. drive a stick - well first and foremost beucase htey are just better in every way than automatics are. But more importantly. you just neve know. you being able to drive a stick might be the difference between you getting laid and not getting laid.

here is a scneerio... what if you and some friends are out at a club or bar one night and and you met this chick and she is hitting on you and you are hitting on her and one thing leads to another and she gives you the signals to take her ass home nao, but.. here is the thing...

her friend, is absolutely wasted and her friend is the one that drove. her friend's car also happens to be stick. the car has to get home with the girl as well. do not fear! beucase you my friend, are a stick driver, and you can just hop in the car and follow the girl(who is driving your car to her house to show you where it's at) to the drunk friends house and drop off the car, then hop in your car. and go back home for hours of glorious sex.

or in the case that you have to rent a uhaul. it just pays to know how to drive a stick. plus they are better on gas. it's not even that damn hard. I taught my wife how to drive a stick in about 30 minutes.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
With all respect BB, if a guy cannot do all of the above and more, he's got a problem.

I'll pass on the straight razor for the foil I have used for years. Never heard of a woman getting turned on by seeing a guy use a straight razor. Whatever works though I suppose. Stranger things have made the gina tingle.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, I'll stick to my Mach 3. My face is way to handsome to risk cutting up with a straight razor. :D

But in all seriousness I think one of the most important things missing from that list is the ability to protect yourself and/or your loved ones.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
North America
I can do 2,3, and 7 with my eyes closed. I dont think #1 is necessary. Gota work on the others :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
1. shave with a straight razor -
I guess this might be useful if you were living a century ago. Our shaving technology makes shaving with a straight razor redundant
2. change a flat tire
Definitely useful although flat tires don't come often and there's always AAA.
3. jump a car battery -
the odds of this happening just when you are on a date are rare but it is useful knowledge.
tie a regular non retarded looking knot with his tie
definitely useful and there's plenty of youtube videos that show you how to do it. That's how i learned nobody taught me how to do it.
5. cook at least one half ass decent meal -
women love men that can cook and if you cook her a nice meal the odds of her wanting to f*** you are definitely going to rise.
6. use a lawnmower -
Not really important, redundant. You can pay someone to come do it for cheap and you can enjoy your free time doing something more productive.
7. drive a stick -
True it is better but not really necessary. No woman is gonna care if you are driving a stick or not when it comes to cars she only cares about it looking decent from the outside/being clean on the inside for her self entitled ass to sit on the passenger seat.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
backbreaker said:
1. shave with a straight razor

I never tried it. This is one I don't know.

2. change a flat tire

Completely agree. It's also good to do a "dry run" when you get a new vehicle. You might know HOW to change a tire, but you'll look like an idiot to the chick if you can't find the jack or if the wheel has some locking nut that you can't unlock or you can't figure out how the wheel cover comes off lol.

3. jump a car battery

Fully agree. There is nothing more manly than handling wires or cables lol. Women think you're VERY BRAVE for doing anything electrical, even if it's only 12 volts lol.

4. tie a regular non retarded looking knot with his tie

Yeah no clip-on ties for DJs lol.

5. cook at least one half ass decent meal -


6. use a lawnmower


7. drive a stick
Yeah, driving a stick is a must-have skill.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
To nutshell it as far as I see it, know how to use tools.

I once heard a guy say "I wouldn't know what to do with a hammer" and I almost puked. If you are one of those guys, go find a woodworking or metalworking class and learn how to use tools to create and manipulate you environment.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
I never wear ties. I've worn a tie three times in the last 18 years when I was the best man at weddings. But there's always google. Each time I needed to I learned on the internet. I'm more of a man's man type and wouldn't be caught dead in a suit. But to each his own.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
FairShake said:
I never wear ties. I've worn a tie three times in the last 18 years when I was the best man at weddings. But there's always google. Each time I needed to I learned on the internet. I'm more of a man's man type and wouldn't be caught dead in a suit. But to each his own.
Chicks absolutely dig guys who can wear a well fitted suit. It's worked great for me many times. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
scien-ITA said:
Chicks absolutely dig guys who can wear a well fitted suit. It's worked great for me many times. :)
You're right, most do. But it's never held me back. I'm more of the rugged type and actually look better in a flannel and jeans than a suit. Probably because I'm more comfortable.

Edit: I can do all those other things though. Even mow a lawn although I've never lived in a place that had a lawn. I grew up in housing projects and live in a rowhouse with no lawn now. Someday maybe. But I worked in landscaping out in the burbs for several summers. It took 15 minutes of training to learn how to mow a lawn!


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
f283000 said:
I guess this might be useful if you were living a century ago. Our shaving technology makes shaving with a straight razor redundant

I don't do straight razors, but I do use safety razors (google: Merkur razor). And I'll say this...compared to Gilette and all those other crappy brands, my safety razor is amazing.

I mainly got into shaving with it because it felt like I was getting assf**ked paying $20 for 5 awful Mach 3 blades. With my safety razor, I got a pack of 100 blades for $20. It's been 2 years and I'm not even halfway through the pack.

I'm not going to say it makes me a "true man"....but goddammit f**k Gillete and their overpriced crap. It also looks pretty cool to have my bathroom set up with old fashioned shaving soap, a badger hair brush and my nice-looking razor.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
if I can BB i would add No. 8

Must be able to assess the situation and be able to adapt.

If you dont like where you are at, set a goal. Make the adjustments and take the necessary to get there.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Have done, and can do, all of the above except the old razor shave.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Iceberg said:
I don't do straight razors, but I do use safety razors (google: Merkur razor). And I'll say this...compared to Gilette and all those other crappy brands, my safety razor is amazing.

I mainly got into shaving with it because it felt like I was getting assf**ked paying $20 for 5 awful Mach 3 blades. With my safety razor, I got a pack of 100 blades for $20. It's been 2 years and I'm not even halfway through the pack.

I'm not going to say it makes me a "true man"....but goddammit f**k Gillete and their overpriced crap. It also looks pretty cool to have my bathroom set up with old fashioned shaving soap, a badger hair brush and my nice-looking razor.
the avg american male has no idea how bad thhey are getting b ent over by the shaving compaines. nothing will ever be able to reproduce a shave like a DE or a straight can. not these ****ty Gilette 5 super pro edge tech ****ty razors, not the aqua blue and green glow in the dark gel you slap on your face. an actual razor. there is a reason people still pay barbers to give you a shave when you go to the barbershop.

plus it's a pretty cool hobby. find you an art of shaving store. i had to buy a new alum block last year, which cost me all of 10 dollars. .that was the only expense i made for my shaving needs the entire year. the entire calender year of 2011. i have used the same straight razor, actually i have 2 of them, for about 4 years now. still using the same hazel and aftershave. plus the shaves last longer because you are getting more into the actuaql pores when you are shaving.
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Jariel said:
Yeah, I'll stick to my Mach 3. My face is way to handsome to risk cutting up with a straight razor. :D

But in all seriousness I think one of the most important things missing from that list is the ability to protect yourself and/or your loved ones.
Absolutely. 'Kill or get Killed' Must read for every future Man.

Stick.....damn Americaans, right? We had one American lady driving rented car from Germany to Austria some 200 km in 1st gear. The engine was one melted piece of smoking rubble.

Straigt Razor...I planned it for some time. But it is not that easy to buy one actually.

Lawnmover? How about scythe, heh?


Change tire.....Loosen the nuts a little before you jack the car up or it will fall of the jack. And place the nuts (not yours) on a clean rag not to catch dirt or you will damage the screws.

9. Make a fire without matches or lighter.

10. Skin a rabbit.

11. Home DIY skills. Do not call service for dripping tap.

12. Sharpen a knife and strop the straight razor.

13. Ride a white horse.

14. How to shoot a gun and bow.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
goodfoot said:
I think being able to fight should be listed.
Me too, although I do agree with everything listed so far.

I'd also add:

ride a motorcycle
shoot a gun well
operate a chain saw
change a car's oil & filter
fix a hole in drywall
not be scared of an aggressive dog
start a fire
drive fast
understand what truck drivers are saying over the CB radio
wire a light switch or electrical outlet
remove the spyware your girlfriend got on her computer
replace a broken heating element in a water heater

My list is about taking command of the world around you, instead of being intimidated by new things.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
San Jose California said:
the ****'s so hard about using a lawnmower, you turn it on and mow
not when you have old beat-up mowers like I usually do. I should add to my list:

fix a mower that won't start