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  1. D

    Who is ready to man up? BOOTCAMP

    yes I'm in. Location: Japan Age: 23 Status: Employed, traveling Ht 186cm Wt 160 Goal: build the harem
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    So I ask Club HB 8 to come hang out on Sunday (I'm guessing here that she's more free on Sunday, and also it subcommunicates that she's not in my Saturday/Friday lineup yet, but she might be if all goes well). It seems like my patience has paid off.. she bites and agrees. So its on. Now I just...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    I went to a bar nearby my house with my friend from home. We meet a crazy Japanese guy - drink some extremely weird liquor.. and one of the bartenders is a HB thats maybe 5'11'' which, in Japan, is huge. She played basketball (naturally), and now models. Modelbartender 8 also has an adorable...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    Today I saw a girl in the station. We locked eyes, and stood to wait, about 20ft away. I saw she was with two friends, so I glanced back and saw them whispering and glancing in my direction. So I pull up and go in, opening HB Firepants, who had a mask on. I noticed her in the station from...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    So I'm having a party at my house soon. HB 7 from this weekend is coming over, as well as HB 7.5 who I knew before (she apparently has a bf..but always good to keep the cute ones around). Club HB 8 isn't coming, but whatever. I'm sure more people will come too, I'm just not sure who yet. This...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    Thanks for the tip! I will
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    Marvin Gaye- Yes the language barrier is an issue, but it also lets me get away with things which would be faux pas in normal society.. for example talking to every random girl, asking them what this kanji means or what that sign says or which way to such and such. So its good and bad. One thing...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    I'm 23, and fresh in Tokyo. I do stand out as a foreigner.. it works for some girls .. others seem to want an Asian man. I've found Korean girls I've met to be quite nice and approachable, but maybe the ones in Japan are starved for camraderie or something. Also, thats hilarious...
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    Field Report Movie Date

    Sounds like she WAS quite experienced. You really didnt seem to escalate too well in the car - her insulting your heater and being okay with making out with you heavily in the theater means once you get in the car you should just go all the way in. Good line about not giving it up though, but it...
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    Revenge: is it worth it?

    Walk away. Shes not worth it.
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    Lost control - did I fail the sh!t test?

    Relax, man. I would have told her there's no way I'm getting up to take her home. That said, if you end up doing it for her, try to do it in a dignified manner. Either deny her straight-up, or do it, but in a silent and pensive way. Blowing up at her won't really help anything
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    More coming very, very soon.. hehehe
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    Oh, by the way, anyone have experience gaming in Japan? I'd be interested in hearing what experiences you had... Post comments, tips, etc!
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    Tonight I meet this adorable Korean girl. She's definitely a HB 8, but probably also about 5 years older than me (I'm young). I laugh and flirt with her anyway. She kept returning the covo back to alcohol and dirnking, so I took it as a sign she wants to go drinking with me. We might go in the...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    HB Club Kitty 8 I approach this girl on Halloween at a club. She's a solid 8, but then again its dark and she has lots of makeup on. She has bunny/kitty ears on for her 'costume', and I tease her about it in my minimal japanese. She gets kind of touchy and I give her some crap for it, telling...
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    Tokyo Approach Journal

    Well, I've been in Tokyo for a while now, its about time to start an approach journal. Here are some of the issues at hand: first of all, Japanese culture makes it very hard to meet other people. In the US you can meet just about anyone with a cold approach, but in Japan they are very...