Tokyo Approach Journal


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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Well, I've been in Tokyo for a while now, its about time to start an approach journal. Here are some of the issues at hand:

first of all, Japanese culture makes it very hard to meet other people. In the US you can meet just about anyone with a cold approach, but in Japan they are very skeptical to cold approaches. There are many people who solicit restaurants and clubs in the streets who cold approach women, so they're used to random people coming up to them and trying to get them to buy something, so they generally assume the approach is for that and wave it away or ignore it.
People don't really seem to meet each other except for in arranged dating parties (goukons) or co-workers or friends. Outside of that, its very difficult to meet new people.

The following will document my various attempts at gaming in a new country:woo:


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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HB Club Kitty 8 I approach this girl on Halloween at a club. She's a solid 8, but then again its dark and she has lots of makeup on. She has bunny/kitty ears on for her 'costume', and I tease her about it in my minimal japanese. She gets kind of touchy and I give her some crap for it, telling her "don't touch me, what are you, a creeper? stop trying to pick me up..!" she laughs, and we are interrupted by some sort of S+M bondage show on the main stage where the DJs are. Some girl is getting tied up and hoisted up to the ceiling by a bunch of ropes. Its amusing and kind of hot, and the HB 8 complains about not being able to see, so I tell her to jump on my back. She does, and for a few minutes we both watch. Some random other guy comes along and looks at me and tells me "Good luck", after looking at her. Seems like they knew each other. I keep talking to her for a bit. That guy comes back again, and says "come on let's go" (in English), and he pulls her arm away. I briefy debate whether to try to get her to stay with me, but opt to just find her later and let this fool take her nowhere in particular out of jealousy.

3 Set
I wander around and talk to another 3set of unoriginal costumes. They aren't super excited, so I move on.

2 Set, HB 5 and HB 7 I talk to a 2set sitting on the couches, a HB 5 and HB 7. The HB 5 is a DJ, so I pretend to be interested in her and get her number, trying to get the HB 7 all riled up and excited. It only works sort of, and I move on to find the original HB 8 with all intentions of returning later.

I find HB 8 and talk to her for a bit more. Her gay friend grabs my ass. I let it go, and get her number in retaliation. I tell her she might need to go back to elementary school to re-learn how to keep her hands to herself. She laughs.

Summary -
2 numbers, 1 I'm interested in, another hopefully will lead back to her hot friend. Plus she's a DJ, and I need lots of new friends in the entertainment industry to solidify my grasp on Japan.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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Tonight I meet this adorable Korean girl. She's definitely a
HB 8, but probably also about 5 years older than me (I'm young). I laugh and flirt with her anyway. She kept returning the covo back to alcohol and dirnking, so I took it as a sign she wants to go drinking with me. We might go in the next week or two.

texts with Club HB 8 from the club night before are going well, she suggests meeting for drinks next weekend. We will see how things go.

I try to meet a HB 6.5 walking down the street under the pretense of asking her how to read a certain character. She thinks I'm someone trying to sell her something, and ignores me and walks faster.

I meet a 2-set in the line of an ATM. I ask them what they're doing tonight, and if they know of any good parties. They demure, but in a cute Japanese way. I get my money and leave

I meet a 2 set on my train home after giving up for the night. I have them interpret a text from Club HB 8, which they do. They tell me it says she's a restaurant server at a Nabe restaurant (hot pot). I laugh, and tell them she's cute so I thought she was a hostess (a kind of female entertainer, like a modern day geisha). They laugh, and conversation reveals they are in school to become anime voice actors or something. That is just too crazy...

Anyway, I only ride the train two stops with them, so I dont number close, but they seemed to be vibing.

Maybe I should have...


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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Oh, by the way, anyone have experience gaming in Japan? I'd be interested in hearing what experiences you had...

Post comments, tips, etc!


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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How old are you? I like this thread so far too.

I could never see myself living in Japan. Maybe visiting, but from want my international student friends have told me, it is just like you said with them not being open to meeting strangers.

I love talking to everyone and just being free. Japanese tend to "play it safe" too much when it comes to public behavior. I believe this stifles the opportunity to meet new people and explore possibilities.

My friend said I would prolly do ok with my personality in Japan, because it is expected and accepted that foreigners (especially Americans) are like that. But its frowned up very much for a Japanese person to behave the same way.

Anyways, keep the posts coming.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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When I first scanned this thread I thought "Oh yes, Japanese gaming!" Based on what you said, Japanese Day Game must be difficult. I like what I'm reading though. It sounds so much more diverse than my area. Are you learning Japanese there? I'm learning it on my own though it's much harder since I don't have a sensei to teach me like in college.

Don Juan
Sep 27, 2011
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I live in Korea but I've been to Japan a few times . Japanese girls, from my experience, are a LOT more responsive than Korean girls - especially since I'm English. Thing is, Korean girls aren't impossible so Japanese girls are far from it ;) you have a big exotic thing going for you being foreign. Also, make out that you know minimal language, when they ask how long youve been there say a couple months. They like to think they can teach you things.

Good job on getting the number, get her in a love hotel quick! Also, day game tip: (place)はどこですか? はは- ごめんね、日本語が上手じゃない。教えてください。you can use that to open ANY cute Japanese girl. I repeat, ANY.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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I'm 23, and fresh in Tokyo. I do stand out as a foreigner.. it works for some girls .. others seem to want an Asian man. I've found Korean girls I've met to be quite nice and approachable, but maybe the ones in Japan are starved for camraderie or something. Also, thats hilarious, asking her just 'to teach me Japanese' would be quite amusing.. seems a little open-ended, like what is she going to say? Like, 'OK, lesson one, O-HAYO GOZAIMASU, KONNICHIWA'
Although, I have used a Kanji opener a few times.. where I'll just point to something and be like "すみません、読み方って何?” (How do you read that character?), which seems to produce good openings, which I can then transition into other Japanese culture-related subjects or regular conversation.

In other news I was roaming a rather popular drinking neighborhood (Shinjuku) with a friend, and we walked right into two girls we had met before (a 7 and a 3).. it was incredible, when I know relatively few people, to bump into two girls I knew in one of the busiest parts of the busiest city in Japan. CRAZY. We got a few drinks.. They're in the circle now.

The thing I'm noticing about Japanese people is they really warm up once you've done something together. Its like, at first its really hard to meet them but once you do something with them, they are suddenly in your social circle. So this next month I'm going to try to build up as big of a social group as I can.. mostly girls, but also cool guys to hang out with and go drinking, and of course, introduce me to their girl friends. That way, I'll be able to go out with new people all the time, and have social proof of lots of japanese girls around me. I think this will make it much easier for future approaches


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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daftsavage said:
Oh, by the way, anyone have experience gaming in Japan? I'd be interested in hearing what experiences you had...

Post comments, tips, etc!
Try googling Maniac High. He earned his stripes as an American out in Japan and has some interesting insight on Japanese females that I think would help you.

Don Juan
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Haha that's when you get the number to meet up for coffee, or straight up inst-date it!

Yeah it's much the same here, hard to meet people, but when you do, they bend over backwards, or forwards, to help. Koreans in Japan are a different breed to those in Korea. When I meet a Korean that speaks Japanese, I'm onto a definite winner!

Marvin Gaye

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Negative thoughts down the drain just relax, let t
daftsavage said:
Tonight I meet this adorable Korean girl. She's definitely a
HB 8, but probably also about 5 years older than me (I'm young). I laugh and flirt with her anyway. She kept returning the covo back to alcohol and dirnking, so I took it as a sign she wants to go drinking with me. We might go in the next week or two.

texts with Club HB 8 from the club night before are going well, she suggests meeting for drinks next weekend. We will see how things go.

I try to meet a HB 6.5 walking down the street under the pretense of asking her how to read a certain character. She thinks I'm someone trying to sell her something, and ignores me and walks faster.

I meet a 2-set in the line of an ATM. I ask them what they're doing tonight, and if they know of any good parties. They demure, but in a cute Japanese way. I get my money and leave

I meet a 2 set on my train home after giving up for the night. I have them interpret a text from Club HB 8, which they do. They tell me it says she's a restaurant server at a Nabe restaurant (hot pot). I laugh, and tell them she's cute so I thought she was a hostess (a kind of female entertainer, like a modern day geisha). They laugh, and conversation reveals they are in school to become anime voice actors or something. That is just too crazy...

Anyway, I only ride the train two stops with them, so I dont number close, but they seemed to be vibing.

Maybe I should have...

Awesome journal, just one question:

Is the language barrier an issue?


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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Marvin Gaye- Yes the language barrier is an issue, but it also lets me get away with things which would be faux pas in normal society.. for example talking to every random girl, asking them what this kanji means or what that sign says or which way to such and such. So its good and bad. One thing I really need practice with is verbal words and ways to tease girls. I've mostly been relying on rock-solid frame and body language / physical teasing like pushing girls into walls or doors, slapping their hand when they touch me, then going back to hug them and telling them I forgive them -- stuff like that.

A few things happened, and my life has gotten really insane.. here's an update.

After trying to get Club HB 8 to meet up, she evades and evades and I put her on the back burner after she says she cant come to a party at my house because she has a test (its a who knows, she's probably just evading). She hadnt messaged me for about a week, and then suddenly she sends me a message asking if I'm going to have another party. I havent replied yet, going to leave her in the cold for a couple days..

Met another girl, HB 7 through a friend, and we went out with her friends, a 2 and a 5. She's the cutest, and we hit it off.

Drinking culture in Japan is different from the US. Whereas in the US people generally eat dinner and then go out to a bar to meet people, or a club to dance, in Japan people go out with people they already know, and eat AND drink. It seems like its an unspoken rule that if you're drinking, you have to have something to nibble on - which is grand when I'm drunk, and expensive when I realize the state of my wallet in the morning. Japan also has the miraculous NOMIHOUDAI (飲み放題) which is usually a 2-hour all you can drink. Prices start at around $10. Its epic. I think they get away with this because Japanese people are such lightweights that they just have 3 or 4 drinks (or girls, who are drunk after 1 or 2 sugary concotions.. its amazing). But when foreigners like me go out, we go big, and probably make them lose money.

Anyway, we all get wasted quickly.. She is all over me, and her friend says she gets like that when she's drunk. I laugh it off. I had the equivalent of about 10-12 shots in a short time... too drunk! We stumble around and the night starts to get fuzzy. I vaguely remember climbing on some roof.. and also carrying the 7 on my back somewhere.. We go to another bar where our friends are meeting us. My friend works at the bar, and he tells me the next day that I was wasted, and ordered a whiskey ginger, and told them to make it extra strong (oh drunk me.. you so silly). Apparently its 2-for-1 hour or something, so I think I gave the other one to someone else... or maybe I drank it.. I really dont know. I talked to some other random foreigners I bumped into.. and some other crazy things probably happen, but I really dont remember too much from this point on. I DO remember the 7 saying she needs to leave (at around 3am or so).. and I decide I'm wasted, shouldnt be drinking more, and should probably go too. We live really close together, so we make the trek back towards our houses. At this point its push-pull making out, then pushing her away and inexplicably walking on, and she prances back beside me and hangs onto my shoulder or grabs my hand. I probably climbed something again too here... I get very... climb-y when drunk. I'm probably going to get kicked out of Japan at some point, but I fully intend on having it be the MOST epic story ever if I do.
I dont know how it happened, but we ended up at my place even though she had work at 8am (4 hrs later). At this point I could tell my push-pull had gotten her all hot and bothered, and she attacked me. Always a fun feeling. Anyway.. blah blah, you know the rest. EXCEPT in a moment of curious sensibility though my extreme debilitating haze, I DONT sleep with her. I tell her I just want to be friends, thats the most important thing.

I do this for a combination of several reasons:
1. I will be seeing her a lot. She is firmly in my friend group.
2. I couldnt find a condom and didnt want to tear my house apart
3. She has cute friends.
4. It drives girls crazy when you LJBF THEM.
5. I know I can hit it later.

I'm just amazed at my mental fortitude even in the face of seemingly insurmountable drunken horniness. Regardless, we just slept next to each other. She has a great body. At 8 she gets up and goes to work. Apparently she passes my roommate on the staircase out of my house as he comes home.. they had a hilarious glance and she had a walk-of-shame face on. Wish I could have seen it, haha


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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macallik said:
Try googling Maniac High. He earned his stripes as an American out in Japan and has some interesting insight on Japanese females that I think would help you.
Thanks for the tip! I will


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
So I'm having a party at my house soon.
HB 7 from this weekend is coming over, as well as HB 7.5 who I knew before (she apparently has a bf..but always good to keep the cute ones around). Club HB 8 isn't coming, but whatever. I'm sure more people will come too, I'm just not sure who yet. This should be interesting.. for anyone having a little trouble gaming out in bars, etc, I recommend having parties and inviting lots of girls.. even with bfs. Its a LOT easier to game on your own turf, where you have lots of ability to display your alpha-ness, indirectly through things you leave around the house (box of condoms, cool posters [take down your hot girl college posters. Seriously, they're just dumb unless you're 18, and then well... they're still dumb.. Unless they're artistic, its not fooling anyone.], booze, pictures of you doing crazy things in foreign countries with lots of girls..whatever), and directly through your comfort and relaxed awesomeness of being in your very own shag pad. It helps to have a classy liquor.

In the noble pursuit of a harem (which has been documented two posts ago) I'm having parties and inviting everyone I see on the street. Well.. not entirely, they have to pass the bar exam. Meaning... would I want to hit on them in a bar? Japanese girls are CRAZY FLAKY, but then again so are most girls, especially in college, so I dont expect too many people to come. Also, the weird cultural catch-22 where its difficult to meet people you don't know when you go out, but at the same time you usually have to go out with people you already know! No wonder the population is shrinking.. THESE PEOPLE NEED TO START BANGING. One of the only acceptable ways of meeting people is through a 'goukon' which is basically a dating party. Usually two people who know each other (guy and a girl) will get an equal number of their single friends (4 girls and 4 guys, or so), and they all go to an Izakaya (dining bar) to drink and eat and.. hopefully find love. Aww its so sweet. I've never been on one, but it seems a shade too close to arranged marriage for me to be comfortable.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Today I saw a girl in the station. We locked eyes, and stood to wait, about 20ft away. I saw she was with two friends, so I glanced back and saw them whispering and glancing in my direction. So I pull up and go in, opening HB Firepants, who had a mask on. I noticed her in the station from behind, and her face was cute. Who knows though, she might have hick teeth or a hairlip behind that mask. What matters is that what I could see of her was amusing.. and she was with two friends. One vanished immediately - going the opposite way. I open the other two about how I like just meeting people in the street, and find out they just got off their hula dance class. HB Firepants has been doing hula for 7 years, and she mentions she has a performance. My train ride is 12 minutes long. At the end, I bust out a piece of paper and write my address. I slip it to her and tell her to mail me the date of her hula show.

At this point, I was just happy with the actual approach - trains are something I want to master since they're everywhere here. And also, of course, working on my time constrained PUs. So I didnt know whether she would text or not - girls are always flakes.

I get home, and she texts me - in English! I reply in Japanese, which she compliments me on. I juice her for one deep text, then when she asks me the same question, dont reply yet. Its good compliance at this point if she answers a personal question after just a short train ride. Anyway, we'll see if that actually develops.

Meanwhile, I think its become my personal mission to confuse HB 7 as much as possible. I invited her over, we got some ice cream and rolled around on my futon. We were at each other, rolling, tickling, physical games.. except not kissing. And at one point I tell her "its so good to have such a good FRIEND".

The receptionist at my job has told me she's going to bring me to a goukon (a Japanese dating party). She's a bit older than me, but I'm just in it to have a good time and maybe boost the harem. Maybe she has cute friends, and shes not bad herself.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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I went to a bar nearby my house with my friend from home. We meet a crazy Japanese guy - drink some extremely weird liquor.. and one of the bartenders is a HB thats maybe 5'11'' which, in Japan, is huge. She played basketball (naturally), and now models. Modelbartender 8 also has an adorable smile, so when I ask her how tall she is, I make her come around the bar and do a height comparison, pulling her in and then using my hand. Since she is used to short Japanese boys, I figured I'd she her off the bat (I was sitting before) I'm taller than her, and let her subsconsciously chew on that. I sit back down, and make friends with the whole bar and we're all laughing together before long.

One of the cooler guys buys the two of us a glass of wine. Modelbartender 8 pours the absolute largest wine pour I have ever seen. I swear, it must have been 10 oz or something. She smiles and hands us the glasses. As I descend into conversation with the guy who bought me the drink, I hear in the background the other bartender scold her for her epic pour. I stifle laughter and enjoy free and overpoured wine. I'm coming back here..


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2011
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So I ask Club HB 8 to come hang out on Sunday (I'm guessing here that she's more free on Sunday, and also it subcommunicates that she's not in my Saturday/Friday lineup yet, but she might be if all goes well). It seems like my patience has paid off.. she bites and agrees. So its on. Now I just have to find somewhere crazy to take her thats unordinary.