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  1. D

    My bunghole hurts :(

    Thanks for the advice guys, but I've decided I'm pretty much done with this whole 'girl' thing. From now on, I only date hot, mature women with a little extra. They are incredibly sexy, plentiful on online dating sites, and there's no need to waste time doing "cold approaches".
  2. D

    So apparently my d1ck is small...

    Don't know what to say. If any girl said that to me, I'd cry. Of course no girl would ever say that to me, because my junk is massive, but you get the point.
  3. D

    My bunghole hurts :(

    OK listen guys, so I approach girls right, but whenever I do it has to be exactly the right circumstances. I can talk to any girl I want to, just as long as she's by herself and there's no one around to hear me try to pick her up. Here are my other sticking points: 1. Ugly chicks. Since...
  4. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Well, I was looking up clubs in my area and there was one close by that I had heard of ... and it said the best time was Thursday night ... and since this was Thursday night, I said **** it, I'll go ... which is probably the most spontaneous thing I've done in a long time. Yes, I went alone...
  5. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Yeah, I've been thinking about going clubbing for some time. Hard to find non-ghetto clubs in my area though. As for approaches, I go direct most of the time. My biggest problem is establishing the right frame/appearing confident and not needy. Just need to stick with it.
  6. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Domo_Arigatoo, right on. One of the funnest approaches I had was going up to a random girl and asking what her favorite cereal was. It's best not to take this seriously. oxford, I'm not at the point where I can just talk to any girl I want to. I have to make it an assignment or else it...
  7. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Been a long time since I've updated this journal, but have made a number of approaches, how many I'm not sure. But I'm still not improving like I want to improve. My standard target is almost always a girl who's alone, on campus. I use a line like "are you single" or ask to borrow a quarter...
  8. D

    Losing one's virginity

    I hate to pile on and go off-topic, but Alex DeLarge, you need to take a look in the mirror and really analyze yourself. It's quite possible that you're gay. Maybe because your name sounds like it comes from a gay porno, I dunno. But in all honesty, I thought you were a troll at first because...
  9. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Well today kinda sucked, but at least I made two approaches. Saw a girl coming up the sidewalk ... it used to be I'd never open up girls that are moving, it was always girls who were sitting down. That means more girls I can open up, but that leaves less room for conversation because they're...
  10. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Well, I haven't updated because I'm a big *****. I keep telling myself, I need to conquer this problem once and for all, I have to talk to girls. But then I feel tired or lazy and I think ... well, TOMORROW I'll go out and do everything perfect. Tomorrow keeps coming and coming ... and it...
  11. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    Well, today sucked. I did go out, actually, which is better than nothing. I went to the mall. It was pretty crowded ... there were lots of hotties there, but almost all of them were with dudes. Here's my thing ... I don't like older women. Maybe they would respond better to me, I don't...
  12. D

    Daytime Cold Approach Journal

    In college, never been in a real relationship, socially awkward and terrified around women. So sick of this approach anxiety **** that I've decided to conquer it once and for all, so I've decided to start this journal ... purely for my own motivation. Hopefully I'll be able to keep with it...