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  1. C

    Who is ready to die?

  2. C

    Sucks being only 17

    Man stop smoking before you can buy cigs yourself. Guarantee you'll get hooked for real. Kind of sucks, but at 17 I bet you have no clue what's really involved in getting your own place. Yes, it's a hell of a lot better then living with your parents but theres also a lot of...
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    your thoughts on Windows 8

    That's not entirely to blame on the OS. Dell, HP...any of those companies load a lot of their own crap to the machines. A lot of those programs cause people problem. Then factor in people going online, click yes when they don't understand what they're doing....leads to a very bloated computer...
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    your thoughts on Windows 8

    Hehe, when are you guys planning on upgrading XP? My job is still using XP too, don't intend to upgrade our desktops to 7 for some time still. Too much of a learning curve, our users aren't very comfortable on computers and the completely different theme of 7 would be too much for them! Though...
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    New Girlfriend logs into her ex's Facebook on my laptop

    Man, do what you want to do, regardless of what happens it will at least be good experience and you will (hopefully) learn from it. This sounds to me like you're trying to justify it. I'm not insulting you, I did same thing for a long time. Someone responded to a post of mine a while back and...
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    New Girlfriend logs into her ex's Facebook on my laptop

    Is this really even worth it? Say he does "lay down the law", how is he ever going to KNOW that she isn't just going to be talking to this ex behind his back? She may comply right away, cry, apologize, then next week continue talking but be more careful doing it. Or, she's going to have her...
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    New Girlfriend logs into her ex's Facebook on my laptop

    It may be legitimate. They may be "just friends". She may be f*cking him right now. She may have no attraction to him right now but something could spark again in the future. But you will never know 100%. Point is you will always wonder about this and it will get worse. Anytime something shady...
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    I Think I have an Anger Problem

    Get help. Skip the anger management meetings, mostly people who are FORCED to be there (by the court system, divorce court, whatever). Try to understand your anger more, keep an anger journal. Write your thoughts/moods down constantly. Especially when you "blow up". Then a few days later read...
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    I Think I have an Anger Problem

    Oops. Double post. Scroll down.
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    On the precipice of a breakup

    This is my exact problem with my current girlfriend. Slowly bit by bit the truth came out. Lots of family problems while growing. Drank all the time (literally, ALL the time, before/during/after school, etc). Everyone in her part of the state is like this. Everyones parents are alcoholics, etc...
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    Stumbled upon a way to contol my anger

    Interesting I'll give it a try. Would you care to share any other tips you have? Been working on myself a lot lately and I've found that as a child I (and my parents) never learned to truly deal with issues. I always try to ignore them and push them out of my mind. So they never get resolved...
  12. C

    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    Espi, Ya definitly will need to find some more plates now! I don't have very much experience with women, as friends or sexually. I'm wondering to myself, if after I sleep with X amount of women that my whole mindset will shift. I think it will. I think it would be beneficial to me to get to...
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    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    Rearranged the meet to last night.... WOW....not an entirely negative experience, I'm going to right a reflection on this experience. Story: So I get to the place. I hadn't seen this woman in almost a month and when I did see her it was VERY brief. Well, she wasn't nearly as attractive...
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    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    I told her.."Meet me at the beach at 6:30, we'll grab a couple drinks at one of the bars along the beach then when the sun starts to set we can go explore the beach".
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    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    She is not my boss, there is no situation where I would ever have to answer to her. My involvement with her at work is rare and only involves telling her when something is fixed. That said, I do realize co-workers could be a problem down the road. I've decided that I want this experience so I'm...
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    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    She texted me back... "I can find a place or we could go to the beach so much fun. I could pick you up at work I would love that or we could meet later. There are bars, ice cream and the air is so nice to breathe and walk. Whatever you want" Ice cream and a walk along the beach? Uhhhhh...
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    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    Ya I am trying to put that in my head, it does make it seem easier, although I am still thinking it over in my head, as I feel I may need to tackle moving from drinks to bed differently then with a girl who is my age. So I asked her out for drinks next week, mentioned two days that would work...
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    Think i have a potential cougar, dont wanna screw it up

    A little back story..I am 21 and I fix computers for a company that is about 99% older women (30s and 40s). I have always wanted to bang a cougar, it something I want to experience in my lifetime. Anyways about a month ago I got called in at 5am on a day off because the entire network was...
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    Girlfriends talking/hanging with guys from the past

    I put my foot down, said I was not going to be with someone who talks/hangs out with old fvck buddies and that doing so shows a complete lack of respect torwards me. I said it very indifferently like I had already accepted that it's over and wasn't too bothered by it. For the record, I have not...
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    Girlfriends talking/hanging with guys from the past

    Ace, Look I'm no trying to change things around, I'm just trying to say everything I can about the situation to get some input and I'm throwing out bits of information. I was looking for something more constructive than "oh shes bangin him come back when ur dumped!". So maybe I tell her...