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  1. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    Im still at a loss here. You admit you love her completely, that this whole thing doesnt feel right. You KNOW this isnt supposed to be happening and yet you are still continuing down this path. For what reason exactly? So you can prove how much of a man you are? The reason this doesnt feel...
  2. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    100% agree. By that frame prolly 99% of the guys on here are BPD.
  3. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    What youre doing here is not good. You need to let this go. Youve made your decision, imo the wrong one, but you did it and you need to own it. I have no doubts you still really love this girl, it shows through in every post you write, but at this point youre not doing yourself any good by...
  4. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    This last sentence of yours made me spit out my soda in laughter. You, of all people, have the kahunas to write this? Classic
  5. J

    Can I save my LTR?

  6. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    Did you ever think that by you doing what is expected on this forum and acting like you didnt need or want her at times that THAT is what pushed her away? Maybe she thought she had to protect herself in some way because from her point of view you just werent that into her.
  7. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    I couldnt have said it any better myself, even though I tried. I hope Cornhole is happy with himself for imo destroying this relationship. I have no idea who he thinks I am, because whoever it is, Im not, but I have honestly never come across someone more conceited, full of himself, and more of...
  8. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    I 100% agree with this and was what I was trying to get across to him until posters like this cornhole cornhole, someone who seems very misogynistic, conceited, and a downright jerk, talked him into doing things I dont think he wanted to do and will regret, if hes not already. I wonder how he...
  9. J

    Another Married Mans Field Report

    Who isnt? The pic he posted of her she looks like Kim Jong II. Hard to believe hes all proud n shat about posting pics of her all over the web.
  10. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    Takes one to know one I guess. And any guy who will post up a gf on the internet, let alone one who looks like Kim Jong II, is a pretty big one. :woo:
  11. J

    Can I save my LTR?

    I feel bad for you This thread has made me join up. Personally? I think you have been given A TON of bad advice on this thread, especially by cornholecornhole. This girl obviously loves you very much. Yes, she was confused about things, who doesnt get confused at times in their lives? I will...