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  1. G

    Next, or give it another shot?

    So, here is the story: I've met this girl, about a week ago. We've actually have a large circle of close friends in common, so I knew who she was, she new who I was, but never actually met before. I got the number, got a date (in fact maybe a little too easy). Now, the whole issue is that...
  2. G

    Hey Men....need advice please.

    Another point I picked up from talking to female friends... If your not coming on sexually, or not doing it enough, they actually start to feel insulted and unable to turn you on sufficiently. You can wait for some time (and I do not mean months) just to make her feel secure enough that you...
  3. G

    Can you land a girl that rejects you at first?

    Just to check, we are talking about an explicit rejection (having made your move), not just a lack of visible interest? It's not impossible, but it is rare (I don't want to say difficult, because I don't know if it can be done always). I now several examples of this. A most clear one was a guy...
  4. G

    Been really stupid... any way out

    Before I start, I do know that most of the people reading this will have a "you asked for it" reaction... I know, but it doesn't help :) So, it's basically a missed your shot story. It all started years ago, when I met this girl at the University. Went out on a date, but I wasn't really...