The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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  1. Nutz

    Am I Bitter?

    Agreed. Something I learned from AFC Adam is that she's setting the bar for him to meet in order to be with her. My friend got the ultimatum the other day from a girl he has been seeing off and on for a while. Basically she wants to be more than a fling. This is a low-grade version of demanding...
  2. Nutz

    From socializing to getting laid

    A) Physical escalation, aka kino. B) Talk more using thoughts and emotions. Those will amp up the sexuality and create a deeper level of connection .
  3. Nutz

    I want fat girls

    Would do the first girl if a bar pull and I had a few. Decent enough because she's still fairly cute. Brooke on the other hand has the body type I prefer most, namely you can see a hint of abs. Not body builder freakazoid abs, but sexy abs you have no problem getting a body shot from :)
  4. Nutz

    I want fat girls

    Question... how is flabby hips and a huge ass not considered fat? That girl most likely has rolls, you just can't see them in that pic.
  5. Nutz

    Men *created* practically everything - why then do girls give us NO credit?

    The problem with that logic is that you're judging men by our exceptions to the rule. Life is a bell-curve, most of us are in the center and the names you mention are people towards one end or the other. Males have had the benefit of thousands of years in the drivers seat. Now that women have...
  6. Nutz

    The TRUTH about relationships

    You can have perfectly good relationships without all the doom and gloom of responsibility this, birthdays and anniversaries that. Just keep them casual, not serious. mLTRs are the way to go because you're focus and time is so devided it's essentially impossible to get super serious with one or...
  7. Nutz

    I want fat girls

    Hmm... that's a good rule of thumb.
  8. Nutz

    I want fat girls

    Fat. Those hips, and I bet her ass, are HUGE.
  9. Nutz

    Beautiful Women as Friends

    Along with what the author described is something we all have probably noticed, but perhaps not articulated. Woman love having male friends, not only because of the attention and favors we do for them, but because we don't disagree with them as the auther does. This is why you hear the hot ones...
  10. Nutz

    How often do you meet girls/women you like?

    So far maybe 2 or 3 in the last 2 years. I've met hundreds of women in that time, maybe thousands, and only 2 or 3 really caught my attention for serious potential. What's that say about women in general these days?
  11. Nutz

    I want fat girls

    Same here. It's just a huge turnoff when girls' arms are bigger than mine. I call it "smuggling hams" because when they have sleeves their arms fill them up and it looks like they're smuggling a ham underneath their shirt lol. Same with the stomach. Basically I like the thin, sometimes petite...
  12. Nutz

    5 Things I've Learned About Women in the Last Year

    LOL, yeah. In other words... Woman are: A) Hot B) Single C) Sane Pick two.
  13. Nutz

    Reason why you see moderately attractive to attractive guys with ugly or very avg.

    I'd say it's a blend of A and C. Guy gets girl, girl gets fat, guy has LSE and won't do anything about it for fear of being alone.
  14. Nutz

    approach anxiety summarised in cartoon form: cortesy xkcd

    Saw it the other day and thought the same thing.
  15. Nutz

    I had sex with girl twice, and then was LJBF'd.

    You were her experimental tryst outside her race. Happens all the time. Leave it at that and move on.
  16. Nutz

    are they conceited or looking for approval?

    The reason that the one girl Perry kept asking all those questions to wanted to see him again boils down to one simple thing: Investment! Investment! Investment! She talked to him so much that she was deeply investing herself into the interaction where as he did not. In The Blueprint Tyler...
  17. Nutz

    How would a suave dj answer this question ?

    HB: name 5 things you can't live without Me: Air, food, water... oh you meant something else ;) How about giving some examples then? Show me yours and I'll show you mine... Basically a funny reframe and go back to being in control by making her jump through a hoop first.
  18. Nutz

    NoMarriage (.com) - thoughts?

    Solid analogy and I loved that you compared marriage to a cage. Just funny stuff :down:
  19. Nutz

    How to reject fat girls (Serious responses only PLEASE!)

    Agreed. Just pull a card out the female deck and say you have a girlfriend or are already seeing someone. Problem solved, right? Had to do that yesterday when a 50something hit on me. Just blatant and forward. I just told her I'm flattered, but I'm already seeing someone. Never mind the fact I...
  20. Nutz

    I hate women...(pick me up needed)

    Here's my $.02 on the matter. The OP is disgruntled because he keeps running into the 98.5% of women out there who are all the same: entitled, self-important, etc. I'd say take a trip outside the states to some place like South/Central America, Eastern Europe, or Asia and get some experience...