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  1. I

    Can someone explain this?

    ASK HER OUT This cuts through all the bs games. If she goes for you, then good. If cancels, her loss. That's it.
  2. I

    Five unknown "weaknesses" Women HATE and how to easily avoid them.

    True, but FUKK YOU ABOUT THE SHOES. My shoes are dirty. It doesn't mean I'm lazy. It means I don't need clean shoes at doing what I do and I don't spend time on unproductive stuff. Cheers
  3. I

    Don Juan's Bookshelf

    Clean up your mailbox.
  4. I

    warrior code

    Anyone wanna sell me their soul?
  5. I

    Why did this girl flake on me?

    Yes. She lied. They lie most of the time. They have to, they're pressured to lie, they're taught to lie... Woman's logic. She wants to fukk you, but she doesn't want to appear a slat. So she makes an excuse - I told him I don't have one night stands, so he's going to my place not expecting...
  6. I

    how much is too much money for supplements?

    That's waaaay too much money... for me at least... 1 shake of protein a day... from a bucket... cost about 1 buck a day... or 30 bucks a month... I wouldn't recommend spending any more than that. Unless you're 220+ pounds and are running for the competitions... Cheers
  7. I

    Why did this girl flake on me?

    Girls get offended if you don't hit on them, because it means they're not sexy enough to attract you. This way, you make them feel insecure and they HATE YOU FOR IT. When a girl brings you home from a bar you should fukk her. That way she won't flake. Understood?
  8. I

    French canadian chicks are hard to seduce.

    ROFL Been to U of M twice. Got laid both times. :D :D From the brench I know: "bonjoir" "ca va" "je m'appele ice cold" "L'amore" *and actively point fingers from me to her* RussianRocket - you're not supposed to be getting laid at 15. The only girls you're gonna end up with are...
  9. I

    Hello everyone.....I have a little problem i need help with....

    If I know that the girl was waitering (?) before, I treat the waitresses extra nice and give them a tip. Gives me extra points. Right now you can't make her like you again. Just drop the neurotic. Cheers
  10. I

    Confessions of an Imposter

    I think the problem isn't the bible, but you misunderstanding the bible. You don't feel as an impostor if you're applying the principles.
  11. I

    Confessions of an Imposter

    Nope. We still thought you suck. Sorry So you got a hoe drunk, fukked her and now is dissing the bible? You're still sad. Sorry.
  12. I

    what does your huggable

    I bet 50 bucks he's a cherry
  13. I


    Intresting. How about leaving a leather whip around?
  14. I

    no personality, but should I date her?

    And when she opens up, a HUGE PILE OF CRAP falls out right onto your ears. Personal experiences only.
  15. I

    Gunwitch vs other methods

    IMO you need to just date a bunch of chicks, try different tools and see which ones work for you. Because there are many personality types, people look different... etc. A method that will work for one, will not work for the other guy. If "just looks" doesn't work for you, try SS, MM, NLP...
  16. I

    no personality, but should I date her?

    Same sity, same problem. I have 2 of those types sucking on my thing... To lower the ASD, I'd recommend going out with her once or twice and then isolating and fukking.
  17. I

    Workout for losing weight

    If you consider 65-75 kg @ 180 cm as built, I really feel sorry for you. Ripped - yes, but not built. You contradict yourself with your own data. Sure, if you take a fat couch potato who never exercised and get him to train, he'll gain SOME muscle and will lose fat at the same time...
  18. I

    Assualted a chick, I think..

    2Wyldfire: I guess common sense isn't that common :)
  19. I

    A nice gesture..............

    IMO flowers are nice and should be given if: She's been on good behaviour You respect her as a person and want to have something serious with her. You don't expect anything for the flowers. You wanna show that you care. She needs your caring. If that's the case, the flowers will help.
  20. I

    Girls with submissive personalities

    Tie her up and spank her buns :) That's what God designed submissive girls for.