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  1. Nutz

    I got banned from the forums at Plenty of Fish!

    At least guys are waking up to this fact. It's quite bad really how endemic this behavior is.
  2. Nutz

    article: How porn is affecting the libido of the American male

    Rule 34 my man. Rule 34.
  3. Nutz

    predict if she flakes

    Good that she offered an alternative, bad that she's setting up potential reasons to flake. Not uncommon when they're on the fence like she was. If she really wanted you, and she did have yoga or whatever, she'd have skipped it. Matter of fact that would have used that to my advantage to pimp...
  4. Nutz

    She doesn't want to have sex because she "doesn't know me well enough."

    You're an idiot. She sets up a booty call and you give her crap for it? What's a matter with you? As for the rest of the crap with her jerking you around, it's your fault for not leading. YOU tell her when you're coming over, YOU tell her when you're going to hang out. YOU TAKE THE LEAD. When...
  5. Nutz


    From http://forum.theattractionvault.com/showthread.php?tid=4068
  6. Nutz

    She doesn't want to have sex because she "doesn't know me well enough."

    RT knocks it out of the park once again!
  7. Nutz


    Huh? I'd still like to know what happened. Was the site yanked offline, did he not pay the hosting bill, or what?
  8. Nutz


    Good topic. On a side note, what happened to the rational male forums?
  9. Nutz

    She doesn't want to have sex because she "doesn't know me well enough."

    Now is when you turn off the "Game" and hook up with her. That was why she called you, so that's a missed opportunity right there. Stop beating around the bush, you've got her interest massively spiked by going dead air on her the other day, so no need to repeat it. It's all just a form of...
  10. Nutz

    She doesn't want to have sex because she "doesn't know me well enough."

    Just tell her you've been really busy. Think of all this as a massive rapport break. The longer you take to build comfort though the more that will be required to smooth things over.
  11. Nutz

    Maybe Facebook is good for something afterall

    By pump & dump, I don't mean it literally. If she's good in bed then keep it strictly a physical relationship, but I wouldn't for a moment let myself get emotionally invested in this kind of chick.
  12. Nutz

    She doesn't want to have sex because she "doesn't know me well enough."

    This is what you want, although it happened a lot faster than I expected. Usually takes a couple days, but this is good. Next time include time-stamps so we can get a better idea of the flow of things. Come back tomorrow or maybe a day later so she can simmer down and just ignore all her...
  13. Nutz

    She doesn't want to have sex because she "doesn't know me well enough."

    Time to push back and start being unavailable. Get her interest stoked and have her hamster fill in the blanks. Also, RT and the other guys have this one pegged. All women are capable of sluttitude, it's up to you to bring it out of them. Overall though you've gotten put into the boyfriend box...
  14. Nutz

    Rant: I'm done with girls.

    Women judge you on the external, your perceived status, and so on when you approach them. They know nothing about you as a person, so when they reject you off the bat, it's not you they're rejecting but your approach. It's either sloppy, you have BO or bad breath, or some other factor that's...
  15. Nutz

    Text Response to: Do You Have Facebook?

    If I answered her I'd go even more mysterious/one-word-game and just answer "yes". Make her invest even more by forcing her to ask if she can add you and so on. Like someone else mentioned, get off that thread. Quite frankly you're already bordering on texting too much. A few quick fluff...
  16. Nutz

    Maybe Facebook is good for something afterall

    Oh absolutely, although calling her out doesn't really work. Remember the threads about women being amoral. They don't get it when you catch them and just get mad at you for making them feel bad. You punish them with a sense of loss instead. 1. Go dead air. Just stop all contact. 2. When...
  17. Nutz

    What's going on here?

    If I ever have a club I'll have a fixed equal cover for both genders, but uber tight restrictions on dress code and image. No fat chicks and the women better be dressed to the 9s. And guys, you best bring your A game and suit up. If i doesn't look like that's a $1000 suit then this isn't the...
  18. Nutz

    Maybe Facebook is good for something afterall

    "You're grandma had a stroke? Oh, I'm so sorry. What hospital is she in, I'll send over some flowers." "Uh, um, uh, I'll, uh, call you back, uh oh, with the information."
  19. Nutz

    What's going on here?

    Good for you, but women will still use it to judge you when taking in your looks, how you move, if you have status (preselection/social proof), and so on before you ever open your mouth. If you're not mindful of these aspects then you're just shooting yourself in the foot. If you've got great...
  20. Nutz

    What's going on here?

    Curse you work firewall, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not :confused: