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  1. G

    The NASTIEST thing that you have done

    Pix, that's funny as hell and one of the VERY, VERY few interesting things here. Thank you.
  2. G

    I hate having friends.

    Damn, aren't you dead yet from my idea to tape a baseball bat to the clutch? Actually, this really does work, no plan to kill you at this time... I think I see where you are going with this: Our friends are pvssys. They want you to be like them. I have about 9 friends, and 2 of them are...
  3. G

    10 Years On

    Congratulations Rollo. Earlier you had noted the focus of this site on getting women. What to do next is not frequently noted. I am just re-reading the section of the bible on LTR’s. Not much there either and some of it is conflicting. Mrs. Grinder and I would have been married 22 years...
  4. G

    Fast, Easy Way I Used To Make $1000 last month!!!!!

    I've just ran a DNS check with "Method Boy"'s Ip address cross-checked with his ISP. I now have his home address. Should we send our "people" to "solve the problem" or outsource it to the one's in his neighborhood? We will most likely leave his mommy and daddy out of it, but its hard to...
  5. G

    I can't walk

    Let see, we've got: 1) Make-up sex 2) Rebound-sex 3) Cripple-sex Hope you didn't have the fourth: Pity-sex Still better than NO-sex.
  6. G

    Should you apologize, even if you're both wrong?

    I think we need more info...but. Why not talk it out, explain your side, and if she interprets this as an apology, then you just became a diplomat, and saved yourself a lot of trouble.
  7. G

    I can't walk

    Dude, there are people right this minute driving down the interstate controlling their entire HUGE van with nothing more than a little tiny joy-stick. No sh*t. People with MS (multiple schlorosis) and can't use their legs well, use their cane's to shift all the time. This is their reality...
  8. G

    I can't walk

    Hey SM, I used to be a rehab engineer in a former life, helped lots of people driving that don't even have legs. For you, you can use a baseball bat to use the clutch with in your left hand (if you are American). Cut it to the right length if you have to. Oh, if you have to cut it, "borrow"...
  9. G

    Recommended Book List.

  10. G

    IOI Or Emotional Tampon?

    One behaviour that seems consistent with girls from the 3rd grade on up is: If they hit you they like you! Don't sympathize or empathsize unless you want to be her best GIRLFRIEND! You don't have to tell her to shut the fu*k up, but redirect her complaining to you and she getting to know...
  11. G

    What sort of monitor are you using?

    You are correct, "completely useless thread". A psp is all that is needed for viewing and as for what is viewed, only the content and quaility of thoughts are needed in this place.
  12. G

    The bible was not written through god.

    I guess that may be me, but, I worship the great and only.. Flying Spaghetti Monster!
  13. G

    Having your own ideology

    Ya know, there's really nothing new under the sun. I thought I had my own secret religion and damned if Bobby Henderson didn't steal it. Well, I joined up and you should too: We are the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and we welcome you...
  14. G

    GIRLS should be BANNED from this site

    If this site is anonymous, how the hell you gonna tell whose a girl? I have the answer: Although this is going to hurt YOU more than me, I volunteer to be your FIELD DETECTIVE and investigate these damn girls. Yes, it will be painful for me and I'm sure I'll get a few surprises. But, I'm...
  15. G

    Sh!t Like this Makes RT Insane!

    You know what bugs me the most about this is its not just an afront to men: WOMEN actually want men to be men. Men are not the only one's being brainwashed. Our female "babe-a-lonians" don't want to see "MEN" go extinct either.
  16. G

    This is silly... I'm too old to have a CRUSH.

    I hate it when the gurus say "attraction is not a choice", but damned if it aint true, BOTH ways. Check out my age...yep, never too old to get stupid on somebody. Some chicks are natural DJ's, and its US that get DJ'd! Hate that sh*t, but at least we can recognize it. If your in a...
  17. G

    Sh!t Like this Makes RT Insane!

    The very definition of brainwashing. It insinuates, self-propagates with assumptive expectations. Fight the future that others have chosen for you!!
  18. G

    married woman - Bad situation - Please help!

    Sounds like you are about to cave.....All is not lost if you do. The advice you have received here is good...just probably no one noted how hard it will be to take it in the real world. I have been in this situation and the indifference did work, but not without some problems as it initially...
  19. G

    Victoria's Secret!!

    As far as them asking you why you want to work there; keep in mind they will be a little suspicious of your motives. Treat it like any other interview: same canned reasons, more money, better hours, easier working know. Ask THEM questions about these things as a good...
  20. G

    Talking About God is NOT Religious.

    Since we're all gettin philosophical.....and a little edgy, I can't resist this one to help lighten it up........ Immanuel Kant was a real pissant Who was very rarely stable. Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy begger Who could think you under the table. David Hume could out consume...