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Search results

  1. M

    Has SS helped or hurt your overall game?

    Well, given the chance, I'd buy the beers for a lot of you folks... SS has helped me a lot actually, to see reality for what it is....and find my place, as a unique man, in that reality. My goal was never to bang a lot of gals, but more of tapping into my own masculinity. The men of the...
  2. M

    Damnit ... silver

    Well the coins are bullion, no numismatic value. But, the premiums are a bit higher than straight bullion. I like the fact that they are minted, but I agree, straight bullion is better for investments. I have a mix of both. Thanks for the links. It seems the lawsuit goes back to the...
  3. M

    Damnit ... silver

    Depends upon how you look at it. It's already happened in the past with silver. The Hunt brothers bought most of the silver back in the 70's cornering the market, driving the price up to $50. That's roughly $127 inflation adjusted today. The CFTC disagrees with you on that. They smacked...
  4. M

    Damnit ... silver

    Wow, Quiksilver, silver just blasted through the $25 mark and kept going! Yes, we do think alike! Very alike!! Very cool there's another silver bug on here. :up: Like you, I only own physical silver. Mostly one ounce bullion coins from various mints. I don't trust the paper trading...
  5. M

    Damnit ... silver

    It's broken the $25 an ounce mark. I was saying buy it when it was $12 an ounce....nobody listens. Mark my words. Silver is going to keep going up and up and up. Why? Because we devour more silver than we mine. Simple economics. We eat more than we grow. It is really that...
  6. M

    Fear of flying?

    I used to have a fear of flying. In fact, my first time on an airplane I was about 21 years old at the time. What I did to cure it, was get on an airplane for the first time, and jump out of it. Skydiving. It was a challenge getting on that plane and experience flying for the first time...
  7. M

    Do we as Men expect too much?

    Why restrict yourself with expectations on anything? Take a bottle of water, for example. You open it, and take a swig without a second thought...you expect it to be water. Now, place that same bottle in the sun for 12 hours on a hot day, what do you get? That plastic taste that...
  8. M


    It's right 'there' Paradox. All ya got to do is figure out the 'how' part. :up:
  9. M

    What does it mean to you to be rich?

    You don't measure rich in money in the bank, or possessions. You measure rich in freedom. How free are you?!? Honestly ask yourself that question. THAT is how rich you are.
  10. M

    Living in the moment

    How can a state of thoughtlessness be an awakened state? :confused: In all seriousness, I know what you are talking about. It's the state of taking action, without thinking about the future, worrying about life, etc. This is why people take vacations, to escape all the stresses of...
  11. M

    Dating Someone on a "Sexual Hiatus"

    How does one become a shaman? Pretty powerful guy if he controls this gal's sexuality. In fact, the shaman is probably banging her. What the OP needs to do, is become a shaman himself. "out shaman" the shaman. Become the biggest swinging **** shaman out there, and he could have this...
  12. M

    Dating Someone on a "Sexual Hiatus"

    Sounds like the shaman has a lot of power over this gal. If you remain unattached, might be a fun challenge trying to wean her off the shaman. What is the shaman's definition of sex? If there's gray area there, start with that! Have her try to say "it's not sex" while she's got your...
  13. M

    The official Recession post

    Folks, true things aren't looking good right now. The dollar is falling off of a cliff, we've got record unemployment in our "recovery", and now all these mortgages don't have titles associated with them anymore. Basically, people who have mortgages, can tell banks to f off..and "show me the...
  14. M

    The Future of Game - Flaking

    Indeed, jophil. Good points to you here, and a home run post by Bam Bam. Folks! Listen up, seduction....is commercialized now. It's money making, it's business...it's not about truth anymore...it's about selling, an idea. An idea, that you WANT to believe, or, the opposite, what you...