Then you may as well just end the relationship. This kind of tit for tat thing just isn't going to work.
She either gives head or she doesn't. NOTHING will change that.
He lives with it or he leave's her.
It's all upto you.
Don't rely on us to tell you what you should and should not like.
Your only 15. The idea is to go out there and figure out what you like/want.
Some guys like a big booty. Some like it small. Some like Big t#ties some small. Hair or no hair on the poon?
My advice...
Forget this b#tch.
She is trouble.
SHowing some dude the messages you sent her. Sounds like she's fvcking with you.
Anyways why would you want to hook up with a girl who has a BF? kisses you and then says that it's nothing?
- This is the person she is. Your not going to change it. Temporarily perhaps - but I guarantee you, if you marry her, or are with her for any length of time you will not the the "Head" your looking for.
- you either live with this or not.
I'm 5'8" live in LA.
My last GF was super hot 9+ for body looks personality.
I used to have a problem with my height, with this, with that, with the other.
I figured out about 5 yrs ago that your self perception goes a long way to define who you are and how you act.
My current girl...
Here are some things to think about.
Losing erection.
* Eat Bluberries every day. They help maintain good wood. Frozen or fresh it matters not. Dump them into a shake - or into yogurt. Avoid drinking the juice though.
* work out.
* relax - cut out the pot and booze if your doing that...
I agree...
Herpes is not your problem...
Drugs is your problem.
That's the first thing you should tackle.
Clean your body up and you will clean your mind up.
Herpes is not the end of the world. something to the tune of 25% of people carry an STD.
Select the women you sleep...
Let me get this straight.
You had a hard on.
Lost it.
Put on a rubber
Got the hard on back? sort of.
Then you *** without fvckign her?
Sounds like a bigger issue.
By the way - forget the jacking off in the bvathroom thing. That's the dummbest thing I've hear'd.
Look up PV...
I'm 33 - I currently have 2 on the go - a 25 and 22 yr old.
A little older than yours.
I'll tell you what works for me.
*) I NEVER pick up their calls - or return their calls in the week before 7PM. I'm a working man - I usually get home around 5:30 - but I don't want them to be on my...
I guess it all makes sense - you are from Louisiana after all :D
Seriously though...
When there are so many chickies out there - why would you pick the Ho with a kid - and WHO IS PREGENANT AGAIN?
Do you like your pvssy sloppy and loose?
I guarantee is you date this Ho she'll be...
You SHOULD avoid her because:
1) she's Pregenant.
Let me ask you this - was she married?
Probably not.
Just fvcking around with a guy whilst he's busting his nut in her.
And your going to be the hero and take on his responsibility.
Give me a break.
The kid is still inside...
Tough part will be not being emotional about it and not asking why she hasn't called back. I sure got emotionally involved with this one...
You have to resist this.
Judge by actions not by words.
You need to take a step back or two. Really try and not be so emtionally attached...
Read the bible.
Don't tell her you love her.
Don't show weakness.
Don't get jealous.
You've got to be really very cool - and just concentrate on having fun with her.
Don't get to serious unless she takes the 1st...
didn't you say that 70% of the time she refuses?
No, it happens like at least 70% of the time
Your no communicating the issue very well.
Besides the point though.
this is clearly a friendship. Do you think she would say no or change things around if she was interested in...
Man o man this is miserable.
* why would you want to have interaction with a control freak?
* why the fvck would you continue to knock your head against a brick wall when she obviously has little interest.
Let me ask you this - do you buy lunch for her?
You need to...
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