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  1. Fatal Jay

    What does the election of a morbidly obese college homecoming queen indicate?

    If you cant see why this issue is a matter of race, then you have no clue about the school past universities always have hot black girls, but the school wanted to downgrade to make a lie that this is all blacks have to offer, is fat dark skin mama that they use to put in the old sterotype...
  2. Fatal Jay

    How many of you guys in here don't live in the US?

    I always hear tonronto got the best looking women, even better then women in the states I have heard it from several people
  3. Fatal Jay

    How to keep yourself from infatuation ?

    great thread, I have that same imagination thing, I usually get my dreams mixed up to where I thought it was something that really happened to me. You have to use that strong imagination for your benefit though and not toward girl, use to make art, make music, write a book etc. I use my strong...
  4. Fatal Jay

    FR: Finally landed myself a date after 2 months of straight flaking.

    I like how you didn't give up, last night I didn't give up, I felt like the night was going sour, chicks would move away from me when I dance with them, and it wasn't even the hot broads, I was like damn its going to be a shotty night, so I switched up and left the dance floor and went to where...
  5. Fatal Jay

    Manti Te'o

    dude is lying, you know how many hot girls go to notre dame why would he do online dating over those chicks
  6. Fatal Jay

    Killed it tonight at the bar, need a little advice though

    so you guys just go for it and just text or call them the next day
  7. Fatal Jay

    4th day of no masturbation. Wanna go crazy.

    I went 90 days without masturbation,the first week is the hardest the end of the 90 says is hard too, but you gain so much without fapping
  8. Fatal Jay

    Killed it tonight at the bar, need a little advice though

    my thing is though, I have heard a lot of guys on here say wait at least 4 to 5 days, why is this? what happened to the 3 day rule?
  9. Fatal Jay

    Killed it tonight at the bar, need a little advice though

    yeah my mindset is already bad, I shouldn't care about ruining it, glad you checked that out of me.
  10. Fatal Jay

    Killed it tonight at the bar, need a little advice though

    I had a great night tonight, pulled two hb9s at the same club. Thing is I need a little reassurance, when do I contact? Three days after or 5 days after, I don't want to ruin it with these two chicks.
  11. Fatal Jay

    Movies that made a DJ tear up like a lil b1tch-boy.

    The first rocky movie At the end when he went the distance with Apollo creed and was screaming for Adrian, that's the only movie that made me act like I had something in my eye lol
  12. Fatal Jay

    this forum has devolved into theory crafting and trolling

    Yeah, it's funny because I use to think that these dudes were asking obvious questions so it has to be trolls or they are 100 percent afc. I agree also the mods should clean up a lot of these threads
  13. Fatal Jay


    no pu$$y is worth a million, let alone 300 million
  14. Fatal Jay


    ^ Even the rich can be afc
  15. Fatal Jay

    Girl say's she's scared to hurt me and moving to fast?

    Women all do and say the same $hit especially the young ones, what they say always mean something else So if she saying she don't want to hurt you or moving to fast, it means I see someone else I'm interested in The **** is moving to fast anyway?
  16. Fatal Jay

    AFC award for this football player

    This Dude is a dumb jock, he didn't even go to his dead girlfriend funeral, he kicked himself in the own a$$
  17. Fatal Jay

    1st Draft of Empire Strikes Back was written by a woman

    Yeah george Lucas had Han saying I love you back glad Harrison ford was alpha enough to come up with that, han solo, besides vader is the best charcter in the last three films
  18. Fatal Jay

    Lance Armstrong

    ^ This
  19. Fatal Jay

    Don Juan Bible: Still legit?

    The book most def needs a texting section.
  20. Fatal Jay

    Losing Girls to God

    this is pure serious this dude nailed it on the head that's exactly what she means