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    Chick didn't call back.

    No, don't call her tonight. Go on vacation, meet some other girls, and have fun :)
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    Picking her up?

    True. Thanks :)
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    Picking her up?

    Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of!! haha
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    Picking her up?

    What do you guys think about picking a girl up before a date? By date I mean a casual, first lunch or something. I would really prefer to just have the girl meet me there...that way I don't have to worry about girls living across the damn city, the extra gas, drawn out...
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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    You could have still brought it up again.
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    So how would a DJ respond?

    Well, what happened?
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    Dating a FOB

    Fresh Off the Boat.
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    DJ Tricks Don't Work In High School!

    Hey SinJester, I must remind me of myself! lol seriously dude the things you post are things I think about but never post. Great job :up:
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    Funny story with me feelin kinda like a pedifile now lol

    He's a minor too, so it's not AS bad...I think.
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    *My first cold approach*

    Well, I thought I had built some rapport, and she was giving IOIs, but I guess she was just being friendly. Oh well. I thought of some great things to say afterward...I'll be trying them next time.
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    *My first cold approach*

    Thanks man, you're right. Nothing bad is gonna happen :) What would you have done when she said "I don't like to give out my number to people I don't know..."?
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    *My first cold approach*

    ok, so I've had success in the past, but only with girls from school. I've never actually approached a I'm not gonna lie, I chickened out like 5 or 6 times. Then I said hi to the walmart employee and asked her how she was doing. She said "fine" without even looking up, then walked...
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    did i just get put in the friendzone?

    NO NO NO NO!!!! Unless it is true, which it is not, NO!
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    So how would a DJ respond?

    Yeah, it was the perfect thing to do. Good job.
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    now I need help...

    It's starting to become accepted, but it's still incorrect. It's just that people insist on using it for some reason....dude it's a fvcking double negative!
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    Women Opening Me: Is This A Good Sign? know, that goes for guys too ;)
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    She ask you out?

    HAHAHA I'll never get tired of saying this: You've been Smacked! :crackup:
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    Mostly text game / mall game

    I'd say invite her over or take her somewhere that you can increase the kino even more.
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    females say i am cute

    Yeah, I agree. Dude, cute is a compliment! And C&F is the way to go :D
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    I don't know if this is the right thing to do. I need alittle help.

    First of all, don't try to be her friend. That will only lead to disaster. Second of all, you have to find out whether or not your friend would be ok with it.