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  1. M

    How do you keep her thinking about you?

    It's linear thinking. The rationale is "if I'm not there, I have no input". You know the saying: "Out of sight, out of mind", right? But there's also the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Both truisms. Yet they seem to conflict with each other? How can they both be true, then...
  2. M

    mixed signals no idea how to interpret (quite long)

    So her body doesn't really say yes. Not when it comes to her lips. "Interpret" is they key word in your post. More rationalization, my friend. She knows what she wants. They all know what they want. They just don't tell you that. Rule of thumb: girl gives mixed signals - you pull back.
  3. M

    My problem with woman, I'm confident, but attraction is a hit or miss.

    Gee, why stop there? How about getting them attracted to you the day before you ever meet them, this way when you first approach them, they've already slept with you. Twice. Rome wasn't built in a day. You have to build on something. You can't attract every one.
  4. M

    Vid proves that looks make it ALOT easier (at least in clubs)

    And if you're putting rabbits INTO your ass - you're in a gay club.
  5. M

    Constantly getting flaked on!

    Always exceptions to a rule. Or maybe you're absolutely convinced they're not AWs when that's actually their AW side showing. Talking a known AW into signing up is like pushing a piece of pie unto a fatty. "Well... okay... if you insist... I'll just try this one little slice..." LOL Look at...
  6. M

    Is it rude for a girl to just leave the country with no warning?

    Good thing. Imagine how you would've come across if you did think to ask. Gee, that's a great way of getting rid of someone! I think I'll try it too. Wow, you sure guess a lot! Sure! Why not? That's what she does! Mia congettura è che non state andando mai sentirsi ancora da lei...
  7. M

    Eye contact with Women Co Workers

    Why do you have to bust them? Yeah, I understand C&F, but that doesn't mean it's always the thing to do... lingering eye contact is a sign of interest. Why don't you try to escalate instead? The only problem is that you may be asking for problems since they'll still be your co-workers after...
  8. M

    If this is a test, what do I say?

    She's being a high school age girl who flits around. You've gotten yourself too emotionally attached. Detach. Move on. See how they learn at a so very young age how to not tell you what they're really thinking and instead feed your ego? NEVER ask a woman what's she's thinking. You're hardly...
  9. M

    mixed signals no idea how to interpret (quite long)

    trverb, I don't know if you realize it but that last post of yours is filled with you making excuses for her. You give more excuses for her than she's given excuses for herself! Don't do that. You're doing the typical male rationalizing away the woman's disinterest. Let's only look at her...
  10. M

    help w/ flakiness

    Let's back up a bit. So, when you exchanged numbers, how did that go down? Did you ask for her number but then she said "Give me yours"? Or she said "Here's my card?" It happened to me last night. Eye contact, she flashed a HUGE smile. Great! I walk up to her and we start chatting, within a...
  11. M

    How do you keep her thinking about you?

    Your premise is incorrect. Guys believe that they must be present with a woman to get her thinking about you, when the truth is, she thinks about you when you're not there... IF she had a great time with you. That's the answer. If you're FUN to be with, make her laugh, confident, lead AND end...
  12. M

    Is her Interst level dropping??

    All of the above. Plus keep this mind: If a woman's IL isn't rising - then it's falling.
  13. M

    mixed signals no idea how to interpret (quite long)

    After all her IOIs, I think that's the big flag, that she didn't at least kiss you. That is what you mean by "moving in for the kill", right? I think you handled everything fairly well. But she's liking the attention, is my guess. And she says that to you when her friends weren't even there...
  14. M

    Constantly getting flaked on!

    I think any gal who has a myspace of facebook page is by definition an AW. The girl posts your "requests" for all her friends to see = "Look how popular I am! I have men wanting me!" Additionally, that's private material between you and her. Shows a lack of class on her part to post it...
  15. M

    Funny female behaviour

    In my experience, she's not fishing for a compliment. What she's doing is trying to draw your attention to her figure. I'll bet she looked good in those jeans. She'd doing that because she can't tell if you're attracted to her or not and she's attracted to you, and she's trying to get you...
  16. M

    Vid proves that looks make it ALOT easier (at least in clubs)

    I love watching those VIP episodes, not just to see real life PUA, but because of the laughs with the hosts. It's really funny. But to get to my point: Even with the best PUAs, like cajun, I see some things that I personally believe not to do. For example, a lot of these guys introduce...
  17. M

    Wife goes to Club/Bar

    Traveler, until you've regained a good measure of trust, I wouldn't trust your wife's account about anything. For all we know, all this that she told you may be complete and total bullsh!t to put you at ease. Perhaps the reason she walked away from Josh when she was calling you, was because she...
  18. M

    I think I am in the midst of a serious,serious depression...

    Sounds like you feel other people are doing exciting, interesting things you'd like to do yet you feel you're spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast as life is slipping by and things will never change for you. Is that pretty much it? Here's what you're not considering: These other...
  19. M

    Vid proves that looks make it ALOT easier (at least in clubs)

    I found this about them: Keep in mind that as far as appearances go, Strauss did get rid of his glasses, shaved off whatever remaining hair he had and changed his wardrobe from nerdy to trendy. IOW, improved his looks best possible.
  20. M

    help w/ flakiness

    You should do a search on "flaking" or 'flake" because this is written about ALL the time. Search my posts, I've just written on someone's thread tonight detailing handling flakes: Just to touch upon your sitch briefly: Women flake because...