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  1. Fatal Jay

    I considered tatoos on women to be a minus but...

    I have yet to meet a girl above the age of 18 without any tatts to be truthful
  2. Fatal Jay

    The Stop Text-Initiating Experiment

    I want to add something to this, make sure you text an hour after she first text you also.
  3. Fatal Jay

    Never getting mad.

    When girls are doing things purposely to get on your nerves, is never showing anger the best way? When sh1t test come on the regular, is not showing any type of anger make you win in the end? I figure that would blow the girl mind, you never showing anger in all situations even when the girl...
  4. Fatal Jay

    This picture say so much.

    I agree, no fap reddit have tons of motivational images like that also.
  5. Fatal Jay

    Acting afc to get a plate/fwb off your back

    Who here has tried this?
  6. Fatal Jay

    I considered tatoos on women to be a minus but...

    one of my plates is a hb9 with a sleeve.
  7. Fatal Jay

    90 day no fap journal.

    Day 30, its funny my penis gets hard off the slightest things. (No Homo)
  8. Fatal Jay

    Do you think male pornstars are "alpha" outside work

    ^ Good points, I hear majority of male pornstars had to do gay porn before they went to women.
  9. Fatal Jay

    My friend almost killed somebody for not returning his call

    Sounds like something is going on much deeper between Mike and this guy, then what everyone knows.
  10. Fatal Jay

    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    ^ If you can tame your sex drive, and have power over it instead of it having power over you, I truly think that nothing can hold you back, cause your basically crushing your carnal nature beast inner man.
  11. Fatal Jay

    On No-Fap

    You will get angry faster, because your T levels are sky rocketing. That's why you need to channel your anger into working out, or using it for hobbies or talents. All that built in energy should be used to your advantage. Also what redemption said is so true.
  12. Fatal Jay

    90 day no fap journal.

    didn't say you was, but you talking to someone who has been done this, and doubting what im saying, that's like a virgin trying to tell a porn star how to fu*k. anyways I'm on day 27
  13. Fatal Jay

    Getting to MARS

    That **** is too far away for these rich basta*d to get there. Have anyone ever thought they we wasn't mean't to go that far in space, there is no life on the planet, yet these rich people want to live there, since they already ruined this planet.
  14. Fatal Jay

    who do females always choose jerks over nice guys?

    Its like you playing the first Mario game on the original nes, it's so easy, you know every enemy that pop up on the screen, you beat the game over and over, its easy to control. Then you stop playing Mario, and play ninja gaiden for x-box 360, the graphics look good, the game is more...
  15. Fatal Jay

    90 day no fap journal.

    whats funny, both of you haven't even gone 2 weeks without fapping I been there,straight 100 days, its real. I notice the ones who always fapping the main ones talking $hit, how would you even know?
  16. Fatal Jay

    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    nah it was another website, I probably wont ever find it but it explained why old guys in their 50's and 60's end up being ceo's of masjor companies because their sex drives are gone, and their sperm is not being use, which makes them focus more on millions instead of sex. It broke down the...
  17. Fatal Jay

    The Best Advice You Will Ever Recieve About Women!!!! Must Read for black men only

    ha, I almost slept on this thread, but this is very good.
  18. Fatal Jay

    Trying to make logic over something that doesn't have logic

    Ok, so women have two type of guys. Team A = The guy that they use to bang, and have sexual attraction too Team B = The guy that she see's a future with, yet doesn't bang him. Wouldn't the guy she see's the future with get the bush before team A? Would like to hear you guys opinion...
  19. Fatal Jay

    90 day no fap journal.

    bax, this should motivate you bro, 40 reasons not to fap.
  20. Fatal Jay

    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    ^ I have done it, it is a website im trying to find, where it says keeping your ejaculation in your body give you so many benefits. It even broke it down in the animal kingdom, about bulls, roasters, etc. who never have sex and become of the alphas of their sects. The site was speaking on if...