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  1. Fatal Jay

    Too-Saggy Pants Banned in Louisiana, Prompts Fears of Racial Profiling!

    I'm a black guy raised in the ghetto if you sag your pants, you are a faggot, simple and plain, and not only are you a fag but your an idiot also. That is all.
  2. Fatal Jay

    GOLD + Boston bombing + Gun grabs

    this is bull$hit so gold goes down because of the bombing, who are the damn puppeteers controlling this $hit I always thought gold was the best investment, but f*ck that
  3. Fatal Jay

    Fvck you

    Op really puts the f in afc
  4. Fatal Jay

    Boston Marathon BOMBED Turn on the news!!

    Wonder who was behind it.
  5. Fatal Jay

    Fighting Angry vs Fighting Calm

    This remind me of what bruce lee said, he said be like water, water is the soft and gentle, but at the same time water has the force to bust through walls like raging rivers.
  6. Fatal Jay

    Lmao I am literally OBSESSED with a porn star

    my favorite porn star is Vanessa blue but I haven't watched porn in forever, still on this no fap campaign
  7. Fatal Jay

    Position & Punishment

    US not f*cking with Russia, and the U.S and Russia know this that's the reason why you got the leader of Iran acting like he does in the public because he is backed by china and Russia, to of the new super powers of the world. and Down Low, white men have been doing that for centuries, getting...
  8. Fatal Jay

    Why New World Order is bull ****!

    ^ playherman hit the nail on the head
  9. Fatal Jay

    The War Against Men

    That's the reason why these women don't get to me anymore, because I know their future.
  10. Fatal Jay

    The fall of the republic, opinions on this

    Danger, you was right about world government a one world government, with a one world is currency is on its way.