You dudes are idiots, Cialis and Viagra treats the **** but doesn't cure it. Which mean the more you use it, the more limp your d*ck will go whenever you don't have any around. Not to mention the **** is horrible on your heart.
If you can't get your meat up with a chick while in your prime...
If you didn't want porn you wouldn't have that problem. You got partial erectile dysfunction because you watch porn. That what porn does, it makes you go limp when it comes to real women.
I was a pothead from age 17-22, everyday smoker. It did nothing for me but made me lazy, watch more porn, and eat more. I liked to pretend it gave me great ideas but they where idiotic ideas when looked at with a sober mind.
If I was still smoking pot, I know I would be a broke,fat, jobless slob.
Whites are the ones that come from caves you idiot, hence all the pictures you see of cavemen are white. If any one is related to monkeys it is Europeans. You dumb f*ck boy
That's like saying black men are more superior because we have bigger d*cks then white men hence that more and more white...
The ancients used hemp for many properties. Not inside their huts getting stoned and giggling eating snacks. Show me one ground breaking invention or idea made up from being stoned?
That's not true bro, I could make the same comparison to fat overweight white middle aged married woman or the same comparison to trailer park white woman, or compare to white girls who are drug addicts. (which are becoming the majority of America, fit in shape white girls are decreasing...
Man, don't buy weed or smoke weed bro. Marijuana was never meant for you to smoke no matter what people say or how many praise that it has treating abilities. Notice it never cure anything though?
Your actually right... you rarely see an old black man still married to an old white woman.
I always seen it as you always see a rich black man with a poor white woman but you never see a poor black man with a rich white woman. Never.
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