Search results

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    being exciting and interesting

    The point of ****y and funny is that you don't appear as an @$$hole. If you've done this and she didn't like it, then it was too ****y and not enough funny. You need a balance.
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    Pimpology 101: The Conversation - Part I

    You sound young, how old are you?
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    Introducing Our Moderators...

    Re: Re: Re: Introducing Our Moderators... Prove it!
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    Book Recommendations???

    In my opinion that book is good but not useful. I stoped reading at page 60 or something like that.
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    Decide What You Want.

    Ha, how does it fell when you try to write amazing post and no one replies?:crackup:
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    Girls At coffee stores

    victor22 your question is too general. There so many aspects in "picking up" a girl. Theres been books written on it, do you think you'll get the answer in a few sentences? This all takes work. Why is this in the Don Juan Tips? CLOSE
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    The Brush

    Nice, i actually put my whole hand on her @$$ cheek at a concert in Milan, Italy. She was walking holding her BF's hand. She didn't seem to be bothered by my hand, but the funny part was that my buddy did grabed her @$$ right after me. All i saw was that she turn around really quick. I just...
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    ^^^^ did you read the whole thread
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    WC qualifier, Australia V Uraguay

    Who? Can you get a link to the game?
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    There is a very good chance that she will cheat on you no matter what. THAT is just how women are. Women make decisions based on emotions NOT logic. Why do you think evolution made something like 97% of sprem fight off any other remaining sperm in her pvssy? Because woman cheat. End of story.
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    uh.. Condoms..?

    Kevvvvvvvvvv, your going to get your @$$ fvking laid.
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    Missed Field Report

    Easier said than done.
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    Need help on gangster film, Little Ceaser (1931)

    Im in a film class, you think i don't know that site. Well that the only one i know and i found a few on yahoo search. But thanks bro for your help. Do you know any more? EDIT: o i didn't know you could see more comments........Thanks
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    Need help on gangster film, Little Ceaser (1931)

    I'm bumping this for the night. C'mon guys where the help?
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    Two questions about a movie with a girl last night

    1) It could be that she had people to her right so she wanted you to proctect her (subcontionly). 2) She was getting mad at you............SHE WAS TESTING gave in. You should have gotten mad at her for not letting you go and yelling at you. But hey, everything on this...
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    Need help on gangster film, Little Ceaser (1931)

    I have to find some articles/reviews/critques about this film. Then i have to write what i though about the articles/reviews/critiqes on Little Ceaser (1931). I could only find 2 articles. If anyone has a link to a gangster site or can help in some way, Please help, i need your help...
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    Missed Field Report

    Yea, he knew about it in from 3 years ago, if not more. But his dumb@$$ is too stupid to go online on this site. Last time he visited was when the site was black and gold (remember that). I did but he, was there laughing as the was talking to her. What a dumb@$$. EDIT: I was going to...
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    Give in to booty call or no? QUICK RESPONSES!

    Urrr, good for both, bad for both. You should that you were the man by telling her she's in love (did you say in a serious or joking way?) She hung up because she didn't want to get played or she was disgusted. You should have said: Her: how do you know theres going to be a next week...
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    "I have a boyfriend"

    You got that from a newsletter, was it david D or derek V, maybe even the DJ newsletter.?