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  1. L

    The role of logistics

    I've been living in NYC for the past several months and recently I've felt like the role of logistics has really hit home with me. You can have tight game but it's tough to get anything going with a girl when you live in lower Brooklyn and she lives far uptown in Manhattan. Geographically, it's...
  2. L

    Want to get younger women

    DON'T lie about your age. What I've found is that a lot of younger women actually prefer slightly older guys. They like us because we still have our youthful good looks, we're more mature than guys their own age and we're also more established in life than Johnny Frat Boy. Basically, you run...
  3. L

    Continue to date or dump?

    Don't assume anything. So far it seems mostly pretty good. Give it a little while to get a good idea of what this girl is all about. Otherwise you might be missing out on something worthwile. I recently starting dating a bisexual chick. Right off the bat, that seemed like a red flag. I...
  4. L

    Even the nicest girl will throw you off...

    She's 30 and that biological clock is ticking. Most women want kids eventually (there is probably something wrong with the ones who don't). Even when they say they don't, a lot of them really do. A lot of women don't want to bring up the whole kids, family thing early on in the game because they...
  5. L

    "I'd let Chris Brown beat me any day!"

    The typical profile of a wife beater is that of an overbearing husband. He completely dominates the woman. We're not talking about the stereotypical fawning nice guy here. This is a guy who is used to having his way. Again, beating your wife doesn't make you an Alpha male. But it is a...
  6. L

    Are men only as faithful as their options?

    I think there are lots of guys that engage in extracurricular activities. They won't leave their wife, but they'll fvck their secretary on the DL. Some of them get caught, but some can keep it going. JFK was apparently doing Marilyn Monroe, and it's just been revealed that he was having an...
  7. L

    "I'd let Chris Brown beat me any day!"

    Let's be very clear here. I'm not saying that beating women is Alpha. But in certain cases, it is a manifestation of Alpha status over a particular female. It still goes to show that women prefer strong, dominant types. Yes, most leading types don't beat their women. They show their...
  8. L

    Chicks with low cut tops 'covering' themselves while talking to you?

    I would be more concerned if the women didn't care at all about modesty. Think about it. Girls often have no qualms about sharing a bed with gay guys or even changing in front of them. Why? Because the gay guys don't even register on their sexual radar. It's better to have a girl feel...
  9. L

    I need your advice on my very bad situation

    Your first mistake and the one that doomed the relationship before it even started was going after a girl who had just broken up with her boyfriend. They're good for a rebound fling, but expecting it to go long term is a very bad idea. This girl has lost interest in you. She's basically...
  10. L

    "I'd let Chris Brown beat me any day!"

    Actually it doesn't only work with rich men. Domestic abuse occurs in all socioeconomic statuses although it is more common in poorer households. The pattern is always the same though. The guy beats up a woman and yet she feels guilty. She justifies his actions even though he may be a total...
  11. L

    "I'd let Chris Brown beat me any day!"

    I can't speak for others but I said that beating women isn't alpha. HOWEVER beating a person is a means of exerting dominance over another. Women are attracted to dominant men. The archetypical female romance fantasy is being swept off her feet by Prince'll notice it's totally...
  12. L

    "I'd let Chris Brown beat me any day!"

    It all comes back to the nice guy vs. a$$hole conundrum. Despite the widespread adoption of feminist ideas among Western females, they still very much desire a man in charge. It's kind of funny isn't it? Women have nothing but disdain for a spineless pushover but many of them will go to great...
  13. L

    Pets and You

    Pound for pound, cats are better fighters. I'd put my money on a 10lb cat over a 15 lb dog if you put them in close quarters and had them fight. Obviously a 60 lb dog would maul most cats but that's not really a fair fight.
  14. L

    A warning to those considering marriage...

    Not really advice, but Chris Rock said that a man is only as loyal as his options....
  15. L

    Women on the front lines in Combat

    This is in large part due to the lack of qualified men these days. It's the same reason why the Navy recently started allowing women to serve on submarines; there weren't enough men with technical degrees. These women still aren't quite on the front lines. They are closer than they ever have...
  16. L

    Pets and You

    Alpha qualities don't depend on size. Yes it is easier to be dominant and to assert your will if you are physically stronger, but that doesn't make you alpha. A cat displays more alpha qualities than a dog. Besides, strongest representatives of the feline family would absolutely maul any canine...
  17. L

    Pets and You

    I think that cats are more associated with the feminine because women are more likely to own them. They are however, more masculine animals. That explains why women are more likely to prefer them. Cats display more alpha qualities. They don't need their owners at all really. They are...
  18. L

    Facial Hair... Yea/Nay?

    It depends on your face. Do you have a long, thin face or a short wide one? How prominent is your jaw line? Is your face angular or round? Do you want to look older or younger? As with many things, you have to experiment and see what works for you. There is no hard and fast rule. Abe...
  19. L

    Are sexually aggressive, but unattractive, men considered "creepy"?

    It was implied that Brand got Katy Perry because of money. That is highly unlikely because Katy Perry makes more money than he does (as it turns out he is the one who would benefit if they split the assets 50/50). You're right....maybe they both like midget porn, maybe she thinks he's funny...
  20. L

    Once you are unplugged....

    Remember, there was a character in the Matrix who chose to go back. He said he knew that the steak he was eating wasn't real, but the signal being sent to his brain told him that it was delicious. That was good enough for him and that's good enough for a lot of people. It's a tough world out...