zekko said:
This question seems to be aimed at AFCs, and is actually a little insulting.
"Men are only as faithful as their options" is a PUA saying.
It's implying that if a guy could have sex with attractive women, he wouldn't be with his wife, or girlfriend, or whatever.
This is probably true for some guys, but any guy who doesn't have his head up his rear should be able to find some girl to have sex with him if that's what he wants. I know for a fact I could get laid with little effort, that's not even an issue. In fact, I've been sorely tempted a few times, but ultimately my girlfriend is more important to me.
So no, this is not true, at least not for everybody. Not for the guys who are in LTRs because they want to be in them. Maybe for the guys who "have to" be in them.
you are wrong
i love how the men here chest thump like they are just that much better than women are in the sense that they are more loyal. the truth is, and i have said this time and time again, a person will always look after their best interest.
the second, the woman you are with, is not the very best long term interest you have, she can go. you can call her crazy, you can say she gained weight, she doesn't blow you anymore, whatever. this is what humans do.
the fallacy that you have is that you define better as hotter. every woman outside the house that is bettet rlooking might not be a better option.
i'll use myself as an example. here is my exact "dream woman" list i have saved on my excel sheet
is somewhat exotic long legs skinny / petite very pretty feet (yes i like feet, what you go do about it)
is smart but not a know it all loves horse racing has no kids has no ex husband has decent credit has a reasonable amount of debt likes to have sex has unique interest that consume her time has a decent relationship with at least one of her parents is not a feminist likes to do womenly things is not stuck up or a snood, is humbe likes to work out and is health concious
my wife is the first woman i have ever met, that hits every last one of those crititeria. she's tall with long legs and a british accent, very pretty feet lol, is a health nut just like i am, loves horse racing, is very much a woman and doesn't get caught up int he feminist BS, is crazy about both her parents, no baggage, etc.
I go to the gym and there is a girl int he gym, the girl behind the counter lol, that i know likes me and she is, an easily 9 to 9.5 on just about any scale out there. SMOKING hot. perfect ass. pefect body. she's 22 now, about to get her degree in may.. she's hotter than my wife and i dont' say that often,a nd honeslty it's not even that close and my wife is hot. but she isn't a better OPTION beucase she doesn't fit all the creteria. she doesn't like horse racing, she is very religious and doens't believe in gambling. i haven't seen her feet yet what if they are jacked up. i'd be pissed off. she has a fvckign chasity ring for crying out loud. so even if i got her to give it up once time I'm not playing let's make a deal just to have sex. and from what i understand she has a good amount of student detb to get her degree she is getting. I mean we chat it up when iam at the gym but nothing serious.
she's not a better option. my wife is the best option i know for me because she is exactly what i want. not only that we have a family and i very much cherish that, she's a very good mother.
for me to cheat, or to find a better option, I don't know what it would take. i am not saying that person does not exist. but if a sexier woman came along that hit every last piece of criteria and was head over heels for me, honestly i'd probably leave. but i seriously doubt that would happen.
the more my wife doe her thing, the less chance that is to happen. i like her for exactly who she is. so the more she is being her, the more she works out the more she is frugal with money, the more she does her thing, the more i am into her.
so yeah, if i had options that were better than my wife i probably would not be faithful. but i doubt there are very many options better than my wife for me. just a hot peice of ass, meh. my wife is hot.