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  1. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    Inadequate? Says the guy who has never so much as written a science paper. And hey, I'll take my limited knowledge over your zero knowledge. And you have none. You've made that quite obvious with many of your responses. And given the way you talk about weed, it's obvious that you know...
  2. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    It is also far less harmful than alcohol and tobacco in terms of health effects. So the fact that it is "harmful" (anything can be harmful to some extent) is not the only reason it is illegal. And I never said it was less harmful than coffee per se, the only thing that I said is that its...
  3. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    Ah, so you have assumed that just because my screen name is Lexington, I must be from Kentucky? This is yet more evidence of your lack of logical thinking and your flawed methodologies in reaching conclusions. You have just proven that you've never even written so much as a high school...
  4. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    I didn't necessarily refute the papers. Again, you seem to lack reading comprehension. In most of the cases, I pointed out what the articles said. In most cases you neglected to read them yourself. None of those articles have disproven a single claim of mine. At best all of those articles...
  5. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    Actually, I'm not wrong about a single thing that I said. Apparently you lack basic reading comprehension. Even the links you provided were wrong. Really? Allaboutcounselling? That's a veritable New England Journal of Medicine right there! But even so, your own source states: In...
  6. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    I've done a few psych rotations. I've seen pot use associated with certain mental illnesses but the pot use itself was never a cause of a psych admission that I saw. I would like to know which specific mental illnesses you are talking about. As far as I know, there are no studies to indicate a...
  7. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    I am a medical resident. Let me tell you about some of the bread and butter cases I see: -Guy or gal comes in with excruciating abdominal pain located above the stomach that goes to his/her back along with nausea and vomiting. This one is so common that even a 3rd year med student can...
  8. L

    Do girls that smoke pot make bad wife/LTR material?

    If she smokes pot every day and can't seem to ever stop, that's a bad thing. But it's not the pot that's the problem....the girl probably has underlying issues. I like to partake of the ganja quite often. Believe it or not, I'm actually quite successful. I always had good grades, I graduated...
  9. L

    has anyone here met women from okcupid web site?

    I'd say I average about 4-5 lays per year off of OKC (been on there 3 years) and another 4-5 off POF (1 and half years). In my opinion, OKC has higher quality girls. In my experience, most of them tend to be at least college educated. On the other hand POF is full of fuglies and single moms and...
  10. L

    Controversial sexual Topic: need your opinion!

    For. 27. Atheist. Prostitution should be legal because in order for there to be a crime, there must be a victim. In the case of prostitution, there is absolutely no victim. It is two consenting adults agreeing to perform a perfectly legal act with one party paying the other. A girl can go to...
  11. L

    Why are you men here?

    I originally came here because I just wanted to know "how to talk to girls." Basically, I wasn't getting laid enough and I wanted to get laid more. I learned the basic principles of game. But I soon realized that my inability to get women was just one thing that I wanted to fix about myself...
  12. L

    Marriage Topic: The Prenuptial Agreement

    Is buying car insurance planning on getting into a car wreck? What about homeowner's insurance? 50% of marriages end in divorce. Entering into one without getting a prenup is to take a huge gamble.
  13. L

    Do you think physician men wear scrubbs around town for sexual market value reasons?

    I'm a medical resident. At the hospital I work at, all different kinds of doctors wear scrubs. So do med students, so do PAs, so do nurse practitioners, so do clinical pharmacists, so do speech pathologists, so do some nurses. Usually floor nurses wear specific kinds of scrubs that distinguish...
  14. L

    What Would You Do (older news story)

    I think the guy was a little bit too timid in dealing with her. I think if he raised his voice and gave her a very stern warning, she would have backed off. I think the best way to have handled the situation would be for him to say in a loud clear voice "you can escalate this to physical...
  15. L

    Why can't more fat women do like this one?

    Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best one. The reason why more women don't do what that woman did is because it's hard to get in shape. It requires a lot of willpower and dedication to accomplish what that woman did. It's not easy for me to push myself to go to the gym 5 days a week...
  16. L

    Fathers Bestow Game.

    The beta father that you speak of is extremely unlikely to advise his son not to make the same choices. In fact, chances are that he will try very hard to convince his son that he should make the exact same choice when it comes to women. Why? Because the Beta has to believe that he did the...
  17. L

    question...about "love"

    General rule of thumb: wait for the girl to tell you she loves you first. Sure there are cases when you can say it first, but it's best to wait for her to say it. Trust me, if she sticks with you long enough she will bring up the question. It's only a matter of when. Your "I love you" should be...
  18. L

    You Looked For It...You Got It, Now Deal With the Consequences

    If a chick truly digs you, there's no way that she can simply "have fun." They are wired to seek commitment. Before the advent of birth control, sex carried much heavier consequences for a woman compared to a man. So even today's "liberated" women will fall hard for a guy if they dig him.
  19. L

    Complimenting Observation

    Well, uglier women have to be more aggressive than the attractive ones. Whereas a guy has to pursue the woman, all she has to do is make herself available. Saying that a guy is good looking is about as clear an IOI as she can give. Among the people that I hang out with, I see a decent number...
  20. L

    Sh*t test responce

    Nice ass, nice tits, nice that order