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  1. G

    Leg Day !!!!

    btw, my quads are still sore today 450 lbs for reps ?? dude that's awesome Check out my man here though on the leg press: and these are not 45 lbs. plates - more like 100 lbs.
  2. G

    Leg Day !!!!

    I actually do stiff-leg deadlifts on leg day - for the hamstrings. Usually the last exercise that I do, or second to last Regular deadlifts are for your lower back though, I do them on back day
  3. G

    How big is everyone? How big/small do you want to be?

    5'10" 195 lbs with low body fat and growing
  4. G

    my shin is spasmning

    squatting shouldn't have anything to do with your shin, unless you're doing it wrong see if it stops and then starts once you squat again
  5. G

    reverse field report-the club marriage

    So what does that mean ? Is she about a 4 or a 5 ?
  6. G

    reverse field reports, yay or nay

    well I guess the people have spoken ! awww darn it, and I was sooo looking forward to reading them !
  7. G

    Studying the Female Anatomy....

    want to study female anatomy ? here's some material * runs and hides *
  8. G

    reverse field reports, yay or nay

    wow 85% voted against the idea is not horrible, but why call them "reverse" field reports ? When I hear "reverse field report", I'm thinking it's something that should be written by one of the children that Jacko molested
  9. G

    Jailbait time

    I got some high school jailbait at my gym. I really thought nobody under 18 was allowed w/out their parents but then this chick I was talking to said "I take weighttraining in school" I'm like "what college do you go to ?" "high school" Riiiiight
  10. G

    Leg Day !!!!

    happyhour - needless to say, i'm having trouble walking today :)
  11. G

    Jailbait time

    Take the jailbait quiz This one's for all you perverts who drool over junior high school chiks - enjoy !
  12. G

    Huge AFC starting to scare me away

    damn i was just like that guy with this one chick i dated a year ago. my emails weren't as bad as this guy but bad nonetheless, not too mention i emailed her like 20 times a day at work then of course, she completely blew me off without warning and I sat around and wondered why - until I...
  13. G

    "I'll call you right back," but no call. Next move?

    well, i was just making a general statement you seemed like you were spending too much time thinking about it
  14. G


    Girls do a lot of flaky, confusing things. It's best not to spend your time wracking your brain as "to why did she do this and what was she thinking" ? Who knows - maybe she did have another call ? Really, you shouldn't spend a lot of time on the phone, just call to set up a date and that's all...
  15. G


    why ask why ???? NEXT !!
  16. G

    "I'll call you right back," but no call. Next move?

    right on sitting at home waiting for that call and worrying about is no way to spend your time
  17. G

    Leg Day !!!!

    As I am writing this, I am finishing up my eggwhites and oatmeal... half an hour from now I'll be twisting in pain under the squat rack, then killing myself on the leg press, or in the hack squat machine and leg extensions, holding my sore quads after each excruciating set, damn this shyt is...