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  1. F

    My GF doesn't Miss Me

    yes, i admit i didn't say "we text everyday", but i said "texting everyday". but there's no diferrence, right? :) i certainly didn't say I text her everyday. i don't know yet if it's the cause. i'm only wondering.
  2. F

    My GF doesn't Miss Me

    there's a difference between "we text everyday" and "i text her everyday". :cool:
  3. F

    My GF doesn't Miss Me

    sorry, dude. but i'm not clingy. see, i only meet her once a week an sometimes don't initiate contact.
  4. F

    My GF doesn't Miss Me

    look, i don't miss her either but i'm not sick of her. in fact, i love her as much as i ever do. and i'm pretty much sure that she feels the same.
  5. F

    My GF doesn't Miss Me

    So when we were texting, she popped this statement: "I don't miss you, I wonder why. Haha, stupid, I know." At first it left me surprised. But then I realized that I didn't really miss her too! But that doesn't mean I don't love her anymore. So I replied jokingly: "But you still love...
  6. F

    GF asked my permission to hangout with her male friend.

    When she asked me, "do you really allow me to go? because I don't want your mouth says one thing but your heart says another." I answered: "of course. I don't want to be jealous because to be jealous is to be insecure." She said: "yeah, I guess you're right! I didn't think of it before."
  7. F

    GF asked my permission to hangout with her male friend.

    I think I am Brad Pitt. So I don't worry. :cool:
  8. F

    GF asked my permission to hangout with her male friend.

    Good day, My gf asked my permission to hang out with her boy friend. (She's a kind of girl that has more male than female friends). I believe her when she said she doesn't have any romantic interest on him. But I'm not sure about the guy. Anyway, I said to her it's okay but she mustn't play...
  9. F

    need advice ASAP :)

    1. I never stated that I discuss other people we are seeing. And we actually didn't. 2. I only asked her, "what if i date other girl?" And she answered like that. It all don't matter though. We are exclusive now :) :) Thanks, all.
  10. F

    need advice ASAP :)

    so what's my other 2 mistakes, mate?
  11. F

    need advice ASAP :)

    what I'm afraid of is that she will perceive me as a coward by doing it thru texting..
  12. F

    need advice ASAP :)

    nope :)
  13. F

    need advice ASAP :)

    so right now, i'm texting with a girl i've been going out with for 4 months (not exclusive). our conversation is about our status/exclusivity. should i just go along (lead her to define our status), or take this convo in real life? I'm not good in real life convo though. I'm afraid I'll stutter...
  14. F

    How to Console?

    please, i need examples. "i know how you feel", "don't be sad" or something.
  15. F

    How to Console?

    even if she's already my gf? what if she asks, "what should i do?"
  16. F

    How to Console?

    Hi all, What to say if your girlfriend is feeling sad like "I'm having a bad day, my father is such a jerk" or "I failed today's exam :cry:" Most of the time I'm speechless in those situation. Help me, please :( Thanks :)
  17. F

    walk her home after every date. good or bad?

    great advice, guys. one thing to consider is that she's a cute little innocent girl and the road to his house can be considered dangerous for a girl like her.